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Iraq War Cost
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....The latest Neocon ramp-up rhetoric for attacking Iran is a dreary fearmongering rerun of the same old lies that launched Bush's disastrous Iraq-attack. The same old WMD drumbeat is now rattling to attack and destroy Ahmadinejad's nascent civilian nuclear program. Bush will fail to get IAEA support to forward his Iran-sanctions feint to the UN Security Council, so there won't be any UN 'coalition of the willing.' Russia and China aren't interested, and Bush's Ambassador to India, David Mulford, has just ruined the nuclear carrot that Bush so carefully waved at India to get them to toe the US line. India has its nukes already, and hooking up the pipeline with Iran is more to their interest. This all makes a preemptive American or Israeli attack all the more likely, and the Neocon's insane desperation is such, that such an attack might just go nuclear.... |
"....So the war by 2006 is a total failure that kills our troops, costs billions up billions every month, humiliates Bush and the administration on a daily basis and presents very serious risks to the interests of the Unites States on multiple fronts, yet the war goes on. Why? Because at this stage of the game the war is all for us, Democratic brothers and sisters. Everything else has gone to hell, but the weapons the war gives Bush over Democrats are just too potent to put down. The exceptional blogger Mark Schmitt confirmed this January 5th when he noted that Bush wanted the NSA scandal dragged well into next year, for it gave Bush the perfect club to beat the Democrats with in 2006. Paul Krugman confirmed it another way last week when he noted success in Iraq can never arrive without electricity, yet that effort has totally failed, the administration knows it, but they deliberately will do nothing about it. Bush is cementing our loss, in other words, yet the war drags on. I am certain that Duncan Black is correct to some degree: Bush is manifestly too infantile and stubborn to ever be tagged with retreat, he won’t blink any eye if 100,000 of our troops are killed in the next three years just so he won’t get tagged with bugging out on his watch. That’s certainly part of it, yes. But at this stage of the total debacle the only other rational reason to stay in Iraq is to smash Democrats with perfect wedge potential. As we are on the eve of another humiliating capitulation to Bush this is what I want our Senators to know most of all: after three years of horrifying war crime failure that has made us a pariah on the globe and even sacrifices our troops, Bush will keep happily on just to defeat you. Oh yes, Bush will sacrifice tradition, honor, ethics, the treasury, the interests of the country, even the lives of our people just…for…you. How is that not obvious? Yet tomorrow Alito—surely as rabid a freak that stole the job for George in the first place—will ascend and on Tuesday the corporate media will crow over Bush’s powers and the corpse of our party. This is one way how republics are lost: self-inflicted implosion by opposition party failure. That risk is very real, and grows all the more greater every time Democrats remain oblivious to it and enable Bush." - - - Paradox |
"The role of Republican moderates over the past decade has rarely transcended the theater of feigned conflict. Centrist Democrats in the House, increasingly frustrated in their efforts to forge compromises across the aisle, derisively joke that a House Republican moderate is someone who throws a ten-foot rope to a drowning man twenty feet offshore." - - - Paul Pierson |
An Italian software programmer and BLOGGER was viewing some satellite photos on Google Earth, when he noticed strange oval and rectangular shapes in the ground that, he reasoned, must be of HUMAN ORIGIN. He called some archaeologists, who started digging, and confirmed that he was looking at yet undiscovered Roman ruins. Think about it: It's possible to discover ancient ruins while sitting on your ass in front of a PC. |
"....I do sympathize with people who joined up to protect our country, especially after 9/11, and were tricked into fighting in Iraq. I get mad when I'm tricked into clicking on a pop-up ad, so I can only imagine how they feel. But when you volunteer for the U.S. military, you pretty much know you're not going to be fending off invasions from Mexico and Canada. So you're willingly signing up to be a fighting tool of American imperialism, for better or worse. Sometimes you get lucky and get to fight ethnic genocide in Kosovo, but other times it's Vietnam...." - - - Joel Stein |
"During the last few years, politics has worked perversely: taxes on the wealthy have been cut, and so have programs directed at the poor. The reason isn't difficult to explain. Many Americans-- especially those who have been losing ground have given up on politics. As their incomes have shrunk, they've lost confidence that the "system" will work in their interest. That cynicism has generated a self-fulfilling prophesy. Politicians stop paying attention to people who don't vote, who don't work the phone banks or walk the precincts, who have opted out. And the political inattention seems to justify the cynicism. Meanwhile, the top tier has experienced precisely the opposite--a virtuous cycle in which campaign contributions have attracted the rapt attention of politicians, the attention has elicited even more money, which in turn has given the top tier even greater influence." - - - Robert Reich - Former Secretary of Labor |
"To say that this state of affairs is a recipe for disaster is actually too optimistic; it is a disaster, unfolding before us. It is the disaster of a white-supremacist society in which black infant mortality is twice that of whites. It is the disaster of a male-supremacist society in which one of three women will be raped in her lifetime. It is the disaster of a society that prides itself on being “a nation of laws, not men” and then pursues an unlawful invasion in defiance of all the civilized world, with predictably horrific results. It is the disaster of a capitalist society in which the privileged segment of the population engages in orgiastic binges of meaningless consumption while stepping over homeless people in the streets of every major city. It is the disaster of a society whose contempt for the non-human world has dug us into an ecological hole so deep that there may be no way we can pull ourselves out at this late date. And it is the disaster of a society that seems to believe that no matter what problems its own cleverness creates, it can rescue itself with more cleverness." - - - Robert Jensen |
The American Republic is in its final days now that the confirmation of Samuel Alito to the US Supreme Court is all but completed. The addition of the Big-Brother-government-and-corporate-friendly Alito to replace a relatively moderate O'Connor is going to result in a more authoritarian society in which a few dictate to the majority what the rules will be. With a now solid lock on the three branches of government, and with the open background support of those who control the means of vote tabulation, one-party government in this land is essentially a reality. Considering the lack of civility shown by Bu$hco supporters to those of us who prefer representative democracy, we have become a divided nation, one of those with connections, and the rest of us. The K Street project illustrates what we face in the near future. Political affiliation is the primary consideration when job applicants are offered jobs there. Can we doubt that this practice will now spread? Will it become legal to terminate employees whose politics don't match that of the employer? It is already allowed to terminate employees of religious entities who don't follow that particular religion, so that precedent has been established. Organized labor will become outlawed de facto if not de jure, as courts across the land continue to establish the principle that a labor agreement isn't worth the paper its written on - just like the US Constitution. And the legislation sponsored by organized labor will be among the first repealed legislatively or judicially, as major impediments to business activities - things like minimum wages and maximum work weeks - draw attention and demand remedy. There will be no avenue for redress of grievances as the courts turn against the common citizen. The concept of innocent until proven guilty will only apply to non-human entities. The reverse will be applied to real people. All of these things - and many others I omit for space reasons - will lead to people wondering what the hell happened to their rights. Even those in the Red States will at some point notice that they aren't as free as they used to be, and that those entities that make their lives more difficult than necessary - such as the West Virginia mine operators who care nothing for workplace safety - are virtually untouchable under the Bu$hCo Corporate Code. Forget about protesting this New World America! Under the USA Patriot Act, you could find yourself 'voluntarily' inducted into the BFEE/PNAC Petroleum Pirate Posse patrolling the Pakistani border with Afghanistan because you didn't want to end up in Guantanamo as a presidentially-declared enemy without a country to claim you as a citizen. Stateless people have no rights. So to all of you who didn't think that it could come to this, do not attempt to complain to me about any of these things happening to you. I've been trying to reach you - as many others have - and you chose to believe that nothing was going to happen to you just be cause nothing already had. You did this to yourself through your inattentiveness and irresponsibility. Pray that your Deity will have mercy on you - for I will not. You are only getting what you asked for - and what you deserve. |
FILIBUSTER ALITO NOW Senate Democrats refuse to signal whether or not they will filibuster Alito. They appear to have 41 votes, since Ben Nelson (D-NE) is the only one of 44 Democrats who supports Alito. Jim Jeffords (I-VT) should oppose Alito, and 5 Republicans - Lamar Alexander (TN), Lincoln Chafee (RI) Susan Collins (ME), Olympia Snowe (ME), and Ted Stevens (AK) - are undecided. We've called and called, but we need to call our Senators again and DEMAND A FILIBUSTER: TOLL FREE - 888-355-3588 or 888-818-6641 For extra credit, use the same numbers to call all the 2008 Presidential candidates who are sitting Senators - Evan Bayh, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, and John Kerry - and tell them to either LEAD THE FILIBUSTER or FORGET ABOUT YOUR SUPPORT. You can also send that message to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (202-224-2447) and the Democratic National Committee (202-863-8000). |
"If, by writing a book exposing the lies about Iraqi WMD or submitting an essay to Al Jazeera (or for that matter, to AlterNet or any other outlet that publishes a dissenting view), the Bush administration construes my actions as representing a threat to the United States and as such worthy of covert monitoring, so be it, for it is their actions that are seditious to the ideals and values set forth by the Constitution, not mine. When faced with the scale of the criminal activity undertaken by the Bush administration in the name of bringing freedom to the Iraqi people or defending America, the only real sedition I could commit would be to remain silent." - - - Scott Ritter |
"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things." "There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all." "We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn." "'Management' means, in the last analysis, the substitution of thought for brawn and muscle, of knowledge for folklore and superstition, and of cooperation for force." - - - Peter Drucker - American (Austrian-born) management writer (1909 - 2005) |
"Saddam is at last on trial for his crimes. The first trial, now underway, is for crimes he committed in 1982. 1982 happens to be an important year in US-Iraq relations. It was in 1982 that Reagan removed Iraq from the list of states supporting terror so that aid could flow to his friend in Baghdad. Rumsfeld then visited Baghdad to confirm the arrangements. Judging by reports and commentary, it would be impolite to mention any of these facts, let alone to suggest that some others might be standing alongside Saddam before the bar of justice." - - - Noam Chomsky |
....The measure would ban corporate donations to candidates and to ballot-measure fights, and create a system of public financing for those running for office. Candidates who rejected the financing could accept only relatively small contributions — $500 for legislative races, $1,000 for statewide offices. To pay for the system, the nurses plan to propose raising the state's bank and corporate tax rate or adding a new tax on oil pumped from California wells. The initiative would allow candidates to spend unlimited sums of their own money on their own campaigns, as current state law permits. There are no restrictions on donations to ballot measure campaigns under current law, though contributions to candidates are capped. The caps are far less stringent than what the nurses are contemplating. The initiative is being proposed by the California Nurses Assn., a union of 65,000 registered nurses who last year garnered attention with protests at the governor's appearances. The union, angry that the governor tried to repeal requirements for more nurses in state hospitals, emerged as one of Schwarzenegger's most vocal and effective foils in the campaign for the November special election. The proposal would limit union donations to candidates, but not initiative campaigns.... |
He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, science for him the spinal cord would fully suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, senseless brutality, deplorable love-of-country stance, how violently I hate all this, how despicable an ignorable war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder." - - - Albert Einstein |
“I think it’s a very different administration … compared to the Clinton days. They’re going to go out of the way to make sure that they are not courting special favors to lobbyists and to special interests. They’ll only agree to things on strict merits. From a good government point of view, that’s very refreshing. From a lobbying point of view, it’s obviously more of a challenge." - - - indicted Republican lobbyist, Jack Abramoff, March, 2003 |
The Earth's heat-distribution system has already begun shifting massively in response to rising levels of greenhouse gases. Precipitation patterns, the change of seasons, storm intensity, sea ice, glaciers, temperatures on the tundras--all are in flux. As scientists nervously monitor sea and air currents for signs of major shifts, many believe that today's proliferation of weather extremes may be the prelude to another epochal transition--a possibility first flagged by the great oceanographer Wallace Broecker in the journal Science in 1997. Municipalities around the world would struggle under the burden of greatly increased demands on funds to maintain and repair basic infrastructure. Forget about safety nets--FEMA and its ilk would be bankrupt. In the world's tightly coupled markets, financial tsunamis would surge through the system, leaving banks and corporations insolvent. Financial panics, largely absent for more than 70 years, would return with a vengeance. |
"Perpetuating the perception that Dems and liberals are weak is what has kept Republicans in power when national security is believed to be on the line. But it is not Democratic politicians, liberal bloggers, or portly filmmakers that have fed Al Qaeda’s growth. It is the last five years of essentially unfettered Republican rule, breaking our military, wasting our resources, denying people’s freedom, undermining our moral authority. Bush is not Osama, and Cheney is not Zarqawi. But they make us weaker by the day." - - - Liberal Oasis |
"Look, this is going to come out. Nobody is going to keep it a secret. Jack Abramoff is so radioactive—I've got Jack Abramoff fatigue already. I mean, good grief, he didn't kill anybody. Maybe that one guy in Florida." - - - former Bush adviser and Republican strategist Ed Rogers |
"....I say that war will go either in our favor or yours. If it is the former, it means your loss and your shame forever, and it is headed in this course. If it is the latter, read history! We are people who do not stand for injustice and we will seek revenge all our lives. The nights and days will not pass without us taking vengeance like on Sept. 11, God permitting. Your minds will be troubled and your lives embittered. As for us, we have nothing to lose. A swimmer in the ocean does not fear the rain. You have occupied our lands, offended our honor and dignity and let out our blood and stolen our money and destroyed our houses and played with our security and we will give you the same treatment. You have tried to prevent us from leading a dignified life, but you will not be able to prevent us from a dignified death. Failing to carry out jihad, which is called for in our religion, is a sin. The best death to us is under the shadows of swords. Don't let your strength and modern arms fool you. They win a few battles but lose the war. Patience and steadfastness are much better. We were patient in fighting the Soviet Union with simple weapons for 10 years and we bled their economy and now they are nothing. In that there is a lesson for you." - - - al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden |
If society is going to hell in a hand basket, ....what practical advice do I have to offer? This is a reasonable query which goes straight to the core issue for many in the LRC family. Without doubt, major problems are brewing in our country. America’s finances are eroding badly, the government is dismantling our constitutional freedoms, and our foreign policy is becoming increasingly delusional. So, given this situation, what can any of us do? Can any of this be changed? How does one live a moral life in the midst of the chaos? How do we raise our children, run our businesses, and prepare for the future? |
Despite the mess, enjoy life.... While we should not passively acquiesce to the damage being wrought on our society or cooperate with the agenda of our destroyers, I draw a distinction between submissiveness to the establishment’s actions and my own, personal worldview. Too many libertarians are downcast, or even apocalyptic, in their attitudes. Hiding in a bunker with a pallet of canned rations won’t do anyone any good. Having a positive attitude, on the other hand, is the key to living a joyful existence. For the most part, there is little any of us can do to alter the big picture anyway, so why should we give them the satisfaction of making us miserable? Life is too short. Come what may, it should be lived to the fullest. |
Within reason, organize your affairs.... First, and most important, is getting out of debt. Pay off those credit cards, make extra mortgage payments, and stash some money away for a rainy day. The more stable your finances, the better you will be able to care for yourself and your family in a pinch.... For those even more motivated, I also recommend a nice stash of gold in your portfolio, and maybe some silver too. But for those at the top of the motivation scale, I advise the cultivation of an "international lifestyle". As part of this strategy, one should diversify some of one’s financial interests offshore. A little place in the Caribbean, for instance, could be a profitable real estate investment…and it might also provide a safe haven if things get rough. In a dicey situation, a second passport could come in handy too.... As for your immediate environs, I recommend choosing a small, stable community as your domicile. In times of political tumult or economic hardship, most small American towns should do just fine. Their inhabitants are the salt of the earth. They obey the law and they look out for their neighbors. Once there, it would also be a good idea to join a church or other religious organization. When times are tough, these institutions provide a nice framework for cooperation that could prove invaluable.... |
....One of the few practical activities I recommend that may actually have an effect on the future course of our nation is education. Specifically, LRCers need to inform our fellow citizens about the nature of America’s problems and educate them about the individuals, organizations, and philosophies that have brought us to our current circumstances. |
"....But [Bush] lies, of course, can't hurt without a complicit audience. Vichy Democrats don't help themselves or the country by abetting the pretense that this band of corrupt thugs clinging to power is Business as Usual. The timid debate over the horrors of the Iraq war won't ring true to the rest of the world until they include a war crimes tribunal, reparations to the invaded, and restructuring of the process that made the war hysteria possible. Instead, the drumbeat toward war on Iran is already ramping up--sound familiar?--without the visceral response one might expect from such a truly insane proposition, and one from which the US and the world will not recover. And the press, who would love the ratings, can be counted on to continue the Orwellian spin: Pope John Paul is mourned as a reformer and a man of progress; the Abramoff corruption scandal is a bipartisan affair; and Ariel Sharon is recast as a Man of Peace. Meanwhile, the march toward the abyss can't be overstated, and is being eased into fast forward. Bush may be an ignorant puppet, but The League of Shadows around him is neither stupid nor benign. And with control over the bloated military, they have the very real power to accelerate the world toward nuclear war and environmental devastation. Resistance begins with calling them on their lies; otherwise we risk being drawn into the flames." - - - Daniel Patrick Welch |
by Jerome a Paris Today, I am simply too tired to do yet another gloomy diary on energy, or the economy, or whatever the latest scandal is in Washington or in Europe. I've lost count of the time when I read or wrote on this site that this was the last straw, or that one's outrage meter had gone red, or that that particular bit of news would finally tip the scales. And yet, it's not happening. We are steadily going number, and getting used to increasingly high background levels of outrage. Will we ever pierce through that mortal fog? In some ways, things are even worse for us news junkies outside the US. While we may not be as sensitive to the latest anti-abortion outrage, or gay bashing, or reality denying soundbite from the right wing think tanks, we have to deal with the reality of the Bush administration, which casts its shadow on the whole planet - and we have to deal with our own mediocre, criminal or incompetent leadership. Chirac? Should be in jail. Berlusconi? Should be in jail. Blair. Bush's poodle. Barroso (EU Commission president)? Blair's poodle. Putin? War criminal and dictator. The EU? Bickering and unable to speak with one voice. And meanwhile, we get all the news from Iraq and other places in their sickening gore. We hear how complicit we are in running the Guantanamo Gulag. We learn how weak and cowardly our leaders are in facing evil, whether in Uzbekistan, China, Russia or in the White House. Plus we have to face the relentless drum about how successful the US economy is and how sclerotic, outdated and dying our own countries are. It's irrelevant that it's mostly not true, it's the prevailing wisdom. At least you guys can still think that you are part of the most successful and dynamic country on the planet, no matter that that success and dynamism are captured by a happy minority at the expense of everybody else, and that it will have a terrifying price tag in the future. And yet we fight, because we have to, and because it's the right thing to do, and because we still have hope that it's not too late, and that we can bring back some semblance of normality to the world, some decency, some reason, and that we can avoid all the dire scenarios so often predicted on this site. But sometimes, like now, despair takes over, and giving up sound so tempting. Grab some reality TV instead of dailykos. Read your horoscope rather than the latest news from around the world. Go drown yourself in whatever activities keep your mind and body busy (including even useful things like charity work) rather than caring about where the world is going. There's only so much outrage one can take. Why don't others just see it? Are we crazy? Are we actually extremists, out of touch with the rest of humanity? Why are we so few in thinking that torture is wrong? That selfishness should be tempered? That there is such a thing as the common good? Why are we so few to care? How do we fight the fact that's it's easier to just tune out? And why do I have to be insulted as naive, or parasistic, or lacking in spirituality or values? I know how to fight. But why do I have to? |
"It may seem impossible to imagine that a technologically advanced society could choose, in essence, to destroy itself, but that is what we are now in the process of doing." - - - Thomas E. Lovejoy |
"The very fact that the War in Iraq does NOT threaten the American way of life is the main reason why Americans, by and large, are refusing to walk away from the comforts afforded by the American way of life to join a military system comparatively Spartan in nature. While economic incentives have always played a role in rounding out the numbers in the all-volunteer force of the post-Vietnam War era, the fact is that military service was for many (including myself) a calling, a reflection of a desire to serve a higher cause than simple economic self-interest. In many ways, military service was (and is) inherently un-American, since it embraces core values that place the collective over the individual. These inconsistencies were accepted, however, since those serving in the military understood that the team they were joining represented that which guaranteed to all others the wherewithal to enjoy the freedoms associated with being an American. We knew when we joined the military that we had a social contract with our fellow Americans. We who served would forego the comforts and freedoms of civilian life so that we could guarantee that those very same civilians could live as Americans. We also knew that, when the time came, America would support us by not only providing us with the wherewithal to wage war, but also ensure that before asking us to make the ultimate sacrifice in defense of a cause, that it was a cause worthy of that sacrifice. Today, that contract lays broken and violated. America went to war in Iraq on the basis of false premises. Our troops fight and die for a cause most Americans cannot identify with. And the U.S. military is engaged in domestic spying operations against the very citizens it is sworn to defend." - - - Scott Ritter |
....Anticipating a possible replay of his September heart attack, Allen had asked prison authorities to let him die if he went into cardiac arrest before his execution, a request prison officials said they would not honor. "At no point are we not going to value the sanctity of life," said prison spokesman Vernell Crittendon. "We would resuscitate him." .... |
"....If the threat were imminent, Israel, which invaded Egypt in 1956, destroyed the Syrian and Egyptian air forces on the ground in a surprise attack in 1967, and smashed an Iraqi reactor before it was completed in 1981, would have acted. And with an estimated 200 nuclear weapons, Israel is fully capable of deterring Iran – and of massive retaliation if she is attacked by Iran. Iran has attacked neither Israel nor our forces in the Gulf, and the Ayatollah Khamenei is said to be reining in Ahmadinejad. So, it would seem that Iran does not want a war. Congress thus has the time to do the constitutional duty it failed to do when it gave Bush his blank check to invade Iraq at a time of his choosing....." |
"As painful as it is for some, we must realize that the Democratic Party, as a platform for progressive values, no longer exists. The Democratic Party has deliberately aligned itself with the same business interests as the Republicans. It has chosen to abandon its traditional role of advancing progressive values and representing working class people. Like its old adversary, the GOP, it too was lured to the money and it has also fallen under its corrosive spell. In the process it sold its traditional identity and abandoned its customary values. Yet progressives continue to express an alliance to the Democratic Party—a party that clearly does not share their values or advance its social agenda. How can this be beneficial? In reality America no longer has two major political parties—the Democrats and the Republicans. Sometime ago these two parties merged into a single party that only represents the interests of wealth and power. I refer to them as Republicrats. They share common financiers and common handlers. Campaign financiers always hedge their bets by contributing to both parties. They contribute significantly more to the party in power. They have created a win-win situation for themselves. The Republicrats do not represent the interest of ninety percent of the American people. This party has two right wings, both of them conservative. The more leftist wing is quite conservative; the rightist wing is populated by conservative extremists. They are the wing that is now in power; and they are seeing how far to the right they can push the envelope. The system creates the illusion of separation and choice; but there is little difference in the ideology of wealth and privilege, and there is no real choice to be made within such a system. The Republicrats have no incentive to reform a structure that generates considerable wealth for them and their corporate backers. It does not behoove us to contribute any more of our time, treasure, or political capital to the Republicrats. Continuing to do so only delays the inevitable revolution that is our only salvation. They sold us out, so they no longer deserve our support. American politics is so awash in corruption and corporate money that it has degenerated into a form of legalized bribery—a form of moral prostitution, if you will. It bears no substantial resemblance to the Democracy it purports to be. It is an imposter that is designed to deceive us. The idea of one person equals one vote—all votes being of equal value—is dead. Now it is money that buys access to power and determines outcomes. By now it should be clear that there is no competitive opposition party to the Republicrats. The system virtually precludes the entrance of viable third party candidates. It is designed to maintain the status quo that bears no resemblance to a level playing field. Until we get the special interest money out of politics there is no reason to expect improvement. We will continue to play a game in which the outcome has been predetermined—a game that ordinary working class Americans can never win. Money buys ready access to legislators. Money allows industry lobbyists to self regulate, to fleece the people and to plunder the earth with impunity. The more money one has, the greater their access to power. Those without money are denied admission and have no real representation. Over time the clout of the dollar supplanted the power of the vote, with the result that the vast majority of the people, ninety percent or more, have only token representation in government. The system has generated enormous wealth and power for those at the top of the economic ladder, while fleecing the rest of us. What incentive is there for them to change?" |
"We should never forget that everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was 'legal' and everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was 'illegal'." - - - Martin Luther King, Jr., "Letter from Birmingham Jail," Why We Can't Wait, 1963 |
"What will it take before our elected leaders understand that the reactionary right is playing for keeps. If our Senators give up on our constitution, what else will they betray just so they can continue to appear to be reasonable? Could they not have rallied together long enough to make Bush pay for flipping the finger at them when he signed the anti-torture bill while saying he wasn't bound by their laws and would do whatever he wanted? (Being omnipotent, he would know when to torture and when to show restraint and those lousy Senators could go jump in a lake if they object.) Remember, our founding fathers didn't believe in imperial rulers. They didn't approve of tyranny. And they defined tyranny as when a ruler believes he is above the law. So what deference is due a man who cheated to become President? A man who started a war on lies and then conducted it with complete and total incompetence? A man who while talking about "protecting the American people" failed miserably when Americans faced catastrophic hurricanes that devastated our country? A man who has squandered our good name by conducting a dirty and immoral war that uses torture and secret detentions? A man who has robbed our children and our grandchildren by his spendthrift ways and his ignoring the biggest threat to humankind on the horizon, namely global warming? He has proven himself to be a divisive, incompetent, and arrogant demagogue. What right does he have to name anyone to the Supreme Court for a lifetime appointment?" |
After graduating magna cum laude from the University of Minnesota in 1939 and receiving a masters degree from Louisiana State University in 1940, Hubert Humphrey embarked on a career in Minnesota politics. Narrowly losing the 1943 race for mayor of Minneapolis, Humphrey turned to party activism and was instrumental in the merger of the Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party in 1944. Leading this coalition, he was elected mayor of Minneapolis in 1945 and reelected in 1947. In 1948, he was elected United States Senator; he would win reelection in 1954 and 1960. His first legislative proposal was for senior citizen health care, a vision that would eventually become Medicare. During his career he would also introduce legislation to create the Peace Corps and would be instrumental in passing the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Losing a 1960 bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, Humphrey was later selected as President Lyndon Johnson's Vice-Presidential running mate and won that office in 1964. Though initially opposed to United States involvement in Vietnam, he would come to support Johnson's Vietnam policy and undertook several foreign trips to elucidate this position internationally. It is widely believed that this change of position contributed to Humphrey's narrow loss to Richard Nixon in the 1968 Presidential election. He returned to the Senate in 1970 and unsuccessfully sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 1972. He was reelected to the Senate in 1976, but passed away during his term in office. The remaining years of his term were served by his wife, Muriel. |
"In this time of national crises...perhaps we would do well to spend a few minutes in considering projects which grace and embellish the earth, instead of shaking it." 1962 "This is the first generation in all of recorded history that can do something about the scourge of poverty. We have the means to do it. We can banish hunger from the face of the earth." 1965 "I am not here to judge whether people are locked in poverty because of themselves or because of the society in which they live. All I know is that they are there and we are trying to do something about it." 1966 "The moral test of a government is how it treats those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadow of life, the sick, the needy, and the handicapped." 1976 "The message of the United States is not nuclear power. The message of the United States is a spiritual message. It is the message of human ideals; it is the message of human dignity; it is the message of the freedom of ideas, speech, press, the right to assemble, to worship, and the message of freedom of movement of people." 1977 "There is no such thing as an acceptable level of unemployment, because hunger is not acceptable, poverty is not acceptable, poor health is not acceptable, and a ruined life is not acceptable." "The gap between the rich and the poor is the most dangerous threat to world peace we have." "Peace is not passive, it is active. Peace is not appeasement, it is strength. Peace does happen. It requires work." "You can always debate about what you should have done. The question is what are you going to do?" |
".... This, then, is the reality: progressive bloggers and online activists -- positioned on the front lines of a cold civil war -- face a thankless and daunting task: battle the Bush administration and its legions of online and offline apologists, battle the so-called “liberal” media and its tireless weaving of pro-GOP narratives, battle the ineffectual Democratic leadership, and battle the demoralization and frustration that comes with a long, steep uphill struggle.... ".... Unfortunately for the progressive netroots, the intricate interplay of Republican persuasion tactics, media story-telling, and 21st century information flow seems beyond the ken of most Democratic strategists and leaders. The hellish reality progressive bloggers have acknowledged and internalized is still alien to the party establishment. Dem strategy is still two parts hackneyed sloganeering and one part befuddlement over the stifling of their message." |
"Many of us - including you - have seen where we're headed for some time. We push ourselves harder and harder as we try to inform the public, all the while taking measure of our effect and realizing we have little, if any. It can happen here, it is happening here, and it looks like it is going to happen here all the way to the end. No wonder so many progressives drop out in despair. I've bounced around enough to know that somehow I need to find a balance that allows for sustainable progressive blogging until such time as the right is taken from me or I find a safe corner of the planet to move to while it all comes down. I know we're losing. I know we're going to lose. Yet I cannot bring myself to just give in, spread my legs and enjoy the ride. Sad, defeatist, or just aknowledging reality. The one thing I do know is that most people on this planet are not inherently evil. If we were, societies would never have formed and we'd still be running across the savannah looking for the next kill. This too shall pass, and when it's done, the survivors will pick up the pieces and move on. And yes, I did mean to com off as being sad. Profoundly sad. |
"Our society has been made blind to endemic and ceaseless worldwide suffering at the hands of our government. Through years of conditioning we now fail to blink at the carnage our military engenders around the world. From the cradle to the grave we are subjected to incessant violence, whether real or fictional, that makes us immune to the torment prevalent in the rest of the world. Through careful manipulation we are made to believe that war is peace, destruction is prosperity and murder is life. The world burns while we live lives of consumption and production, happy worker bees stuck in hour long commutes working most of our productive lives. We live in peace and harmony at home, distracted from reality by our television screens and movie theatres, by our lavish lifestyles and wasteful society. In the land of the individual the communality of peoples is an alien principle. Content, conformist and passive thanks to our nation of plenty, we care not for peoples outside our borders. We have everything we need, after all, and a plethora of distractions in our daily lives prevents us from even considering that a larger world exists beyond our shores. The impenetrable bubble we live in protects us from empathizing with billions whose lives have been made worse since the birth of the Evil Empire. We have been made ignorant to that which has been unleashed onto the world and that owes its existence to our continued lifestyle and complicity by acquiescence and failure to act. The Evil Empire runs rampant through the planet, devouring all in its path, enslaving millions and conquering and despoiling lands. Meanwhile, inside the belly of the beast we sit, basking in extravagance and splendor, complacent in life and circumstance, unwilling to open our eyes and minds to the evils done in our name." |
31 days from today, cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing companies and you will start to receive sale calls. YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR THESE CALLS. These Telemarketers will eat up your free minutes and end up costing you money in the long run. To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone: 888/382-1222. It is the National DO NOT CALL list. It will only take a minute of your time. It blocks your number for five (5) years. |
"Indicted congressman Tom Delay has announced he is resigning as House Majority Leader. However, he's still going to run for re-election. So apparently he feels he is too corrupt to be a leader but not too corrupt to be just a congressman." - - - - Jay Leno |
"A secret Pentagon study has found that as many as 80 percent of the marines who have been killed in Iraq from wounds to the upper body could have survived if they had had extra body armor. Such armor has been available since 2003, but until recently the Pentagon has largely declined to supply it to troops despite calls from the field for additional protection, according to military officials." - - - excerpt from an article in today's NY Times |
Brave New Thursday. To further movement building, we've begun a very exciting collaboration in television working with LinkTV, the ACLU and the Sierra Club. The second Thursday of each month will premiere two new 30 minute shows at 8pm ET/PT on LinkTV (DirecTV 375 and Dish Network 9410), and on the Sierra Club & ACLU websites. http://www.bravenewfilms.org/television.php The ACLU Freedom Files is a 10-part series telling the stories of real Americans whose civil liberties have been threatened, and how they fought back. Jeremy Kagan has done a terrific job personalizing these issues, and very soon the shows will be airing on Court TV reaching 80 million homes. Airing this Thursday is "Beyond the Patriot Act", a very timely look at how a misguided law and government overreactions to Sept. 11 have violated the constitutional freedoms of many ordinary people. Catch a preview clip. The Sierra Club Chronicles is a 7-part series showing how pollution, corporate greed and short-sighted government policies affect all of us regardless of race, class, or economic standing. Molly O'Brien and Richard Perez are the amazing duo behind the Chronicles. The absolute must-see first episode is about "The World Trade Center Cough" -- the respiratory problems of those involved in the search and rescue operation on 9/11. Catch a preview clip |
New Adult Literacy Data Puts College Credentials in Question December saw the release of the important, once-a-decade National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL). Administered in 2003 by the U.S. Department of Education, the NAAL found no change since 1992 in the overall "prose" or "document" literacy of American adults, but a significant increase in "quantitative" literacy, i.e. math. The good news is that the percentage of adults—particularly black adults—who score at the lowest literacy levels declined significantly. However, a closer look at the data suggests that a disturbing number of college-educated adults have literacy skills that put the validity of their education credentials in serious question. Literacy among black adults was up in all three categories, narrowing the black-white gap. By contrast, Hispanic prose and document literacy declined, which is likely linked to rising immigration. Overall literacy is up among women and down among men. Most significantly, the male-female gap in quantitative literacy was halved. Declining educational results among males is a notable trend, but easily understood with a few hours viewing of "Spike TV — the Cable Television Network for Men." Significantly, NAAL focuses on the complete range of literacy skills, measured in four categories: "Below Basic," "Basic," "Intermediate," and "Proficient." Only 31 percent of college graduates are proficient in prose literacy, down from 40 percent in 1992. Document literacy dropped from 37 percent to 25 percent. Quantitative literacy was unchanged at 31 percent. That means that fewer than one-in-three college graduates can successfully perform tasks such as understanding and comparing the viewpoints of two newspaper editorials, interpreting a table with data about blood pressure and physical activity, or computing and comparing the cost per ounce of different food items. Perhaps more disturbing, nearly one in five college graduates score at only Basic literacy levels, which means they have trouble with tasks like consulting reference materials and calculating the total cost of items ordered from a catalogue. These depressing results point to the great need to hold higher education institutions accountable for how well they actually educate their students. Institutional reputations currently rise and fall based on what their students achieved in high school, not in college. As a result, institutions focus their energies on boosting their status, endowment, athletic programs, and student facilities—whatever it takes to get "better" students to enroll. Teaching them well once they arrive gets short shrift. Until that changes, expect similar results from future NAAL testing. Further Reading "A First Look at the Literacy of America's Adults in the 21st Century" U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. "Literacy Falls for Graduates From College, Testing Finds" (subscription required) Sam Dillon, The New York Times, December 16, 2005. |
Dear Mike, Sign on to the Plan With the dawn of the new year comes new opportunities, and as a member of Democracy for America, no one understands the vital need to take our country back in 2006 better than you. This year presents us with the opportunity to elect a Democratic majority and end the culture of corruption, cronyism and corporate interests that have overtaken the Republican Party. It presents us with the chance to restore honesty and integrity to our political process, to hold the Bush administration accountable to the truth, and to once again have a government that serves the interests of the people, not the special interests. But the only way to move America forward is by working together. Democracy for America has put together a "2006 Plan for Victory" that lays out a strategy for taking our country back by promoting a progressive message and electing fiscally responsible, socially progressive candidates to all levels of office. Sign on to DFA's "2006 Plan for Victory" today and take the first step in moving America back in the right direction: http://www.democracyforamerica.com/planforvictory2006 The importance of these mid-term elections cannot be overstated. The Republicans have proven over and over again that they are out-of-touch with the rest of America -- that their values are not our values. This year, we have the chance to promote a progressive agenda that addresses the needs of all Americans -- an agenda of real ethics and election reform, a real plan for ending the war in Iraq and a health care system that works for everyone. Help us spark a new wave of progressive leaders by signing on to Democracy for America's "2006 Plan for Victory": http://www.democracyforamerica.com/planforvictory2006 By working together, we can regain a Democratic majority at the local, state and federal level. We can win back the United States House of Representatives, pick up seats in the U.S. Senate and put Democratic governors in control of the largest states in America. We can train thousands of grassroots activists in the strategies and tactics need to win. We can fight for the values we care about and restore America's sense of community. And we can lay the groundwork for a Democratic victory in 2008. Please join us in the fight to take our country back. Sign on to the "2006 Plan for Victory" today. http://www.democracyforamerica.com/planforvictory2006 Thanks for all you do. Tom Hughes Executive Director Democracy for America |
A crucial vote on a bill that would bring real campaign finance reform to California is scheduled for Tuesday, and members of the Assembly Elections Committee need to hear from as many Californians as possible to ensure the legislation passes this important step. The California Clean Money and Fair Elections Act, AB 583, by Assemblymember Loni Hancock (D-Berkeley), is modeled after clean money laws already adopted in Maine and Arizona. Recent studies in those states have shown that the systems have worked to restore voters' faith in the election process, dramatically improved diversity among candidates running for public office and substantially reduced the amount of money spent on campaigns. After the last statewide special election, in which a staggering $300 million was spent by various campaigns, it is clear that a new system is needed for California. Public financing of campaigns will elect candidates who are accountable to the people and the public interest, rather than those who are beholden to corporate, wealthy or special-interest donors. |
Why Is Alito So Ashamed Of Himself? by Michael in New York - 1/09/2006 03:00:00 AM The far right wants us to believe that Supreme Court nominee Alito is similar to Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Even though everyone knew Ginsburg was a liberal, she was passed by a vast majority in the Senate. They are both in the mainstream of judicial philosophy, the far right says. So Alito deserves the same treatment because he's "qualified." So why is Alito so ashamed of his entire career? Ginsburg IS in the mainstream of judicial philosophy, even though she's clearly a strong liberal. But she never pretended to be anything else. And everything on Ginsburg's resume was something she was proud of. Every group she belonged to, every organization she worked for, every position she staked out on the issues of the day and every promise she made reflected who Ruth Bader Ginsburg was, what she stood for and what she believed in. Did she insist you shouldn't read anything into her work for the ACLU? Of course not; she was proud of that work. Did she insist you shouldn't read anything into her activism over the years, her push for equality among the sexes? Don't be absurd. Did she break her word on solemn pledges made before the Senate? Never. Nothing could be further from the truth for Alito. He is apparently ashamed of everything he's ever done. Alito boasted on an application for promotion in the Reagan administration about belonging to the racist, Neanderthal-ish Concerned Alumni For Princeton. Now he pretends he can't remember ever belonging to them at all. Alito said he wanted to become a lawyer because he was so distraught about Supreme Court rulings that led to "one person, one vote," a cornerstone of our modern democracy. Now, he says we should ignore his consistent, persistent attacks on affirmative action. Alito also cannily helped to devise the incremental approach to dismantling Roe v Wade that has been the very tactic the far right has used. Now Alito says to ignore all that. Alito has repeatedly proven he believes the president is more like an emperor -- someone who deserves almost unlimited deference from the Supreme Court, especially during a time of war. Finally, Alito pledged to the Senate that he would recuse himself under certain situations as a federal judge. He repeatedly broke that pledge. His excuses vary: he forgot, the computers shouldn't have assigned him those cases in the first place, he never HAD to recuse himself, and finally he never promised he would recuse himself forever. The reasons change, but the fact remains: Alito gave his word and then he broke it. He can't be trusted. Since Alito is so clearly ashamed of himself, shouldn't we be ashamed of him and keep him off the Supreme Court? |
"....If you're anything like me (read: a political junkie who loves her country), then you're thoroughly exhausted. You're tired of being outraged by scandal after scandal. You're sick of waiting for the truth to be exposed. Your heart is still filled with sorrow from the 2000 and 2004 elections, because you mourn for what this country could have been, and what it has become. WE get it. We're the heart of the party: the ones working ourselves to the bone day after day. We're the ones without healthcare, the ones with our family members serving overseas. We're the ones kicked out of public events and placed on watchlists because of our political beliefs. We're the ones with kids who are taught "intelligent design" as part of the war against science. We're the ones who can't get married, the ones whose homes are subject to sneak and peek searches, the ones who have to wait 12 hours to vote and who pray that our votes will actually be counted. It is us, goddammit, who truly realize what this country has become and where it is headed. It is our rights being stripped away from us, our America slipping away before our eyes. All we ask is that our party recognize this. That a holistic approach towards government is needed. That while the Democrats focus on individual battles, it is our entire government which needs to be saved. As Lincoln noted, our nation will never be destroyed from the outside. We are the world's greatest military power. No terrorist or rogue nation will ever be able to destroy us. Not with hijacked planes or nukes or cavalries. No, if we are to be destroyed, it will be from within--because we destroyed ourselves. It will be because we, as a party, were too afraid, too complacent to stand up as the Constitution is being pried from our clenching hands. I admit, I've let myself get hopeful about our party's effectiveness. Bursts of courage, from Murtha to Feingold, have led me to conclude that our party is up to the task of saving this government. But a little part of me anxiously fears that such instances of courage may be isolated events, rather than a shift in our party's approach to politics. Now is the time for courage. Now is the time for our party to realize the enormous task before us: saving this government. If we embrace that theme, we will once again know victory. And that victory will not just be defined by how many congressmen have a "D" after their name. It will be defined, ultimately, by restoring America to the nation it once was: a nation with a government for the people, by the people, and the greatest country on earth." |
"I am an American currently working in Baghdad for a news organization. I’ve been here numerous times over the past 15 years. The current security situation here has gotten much worse since the elections. We had a security briefing yesterday right after a fellow journalist was abducted. Besides the usual reminders to keep a low profile and going over our own unique security measures and procedures as to what to do in any given scenario we were told that there’s a high probability of all out civil war. Iraq has been in a low level civil war since the end of 2003 that has been increasing in intensity ever since, but now our security team is telling us that should all-out war break out most, if not all of us, may have to be evacuated to safety in a nearby country. Instead of the scores of Iraqis dying each day as do now, thousands a day could perish. Most Sunnis have given up hope of getting adequate representation in the new Iraqi government and radical elements in the Shiite parties want to exact revenge on the Sunni for supporting Saddam over the years. Shiite death squads roam the city at night (in police and army uniform no less) dragging all the male members of a Sunni family out into the street and executing them in front of their women folk. Sunni insurgents (not in uniform) do the same to Shiite families in areas claimed as theirs. The Sunni insurgents, it seems, are now determined to bring the new government to its knees by cutting off fuel supplies to Baghdad. The city’s supply of gasoline nearly dried up last week and local authorities literally shut the city down by banning all privately owned vehicles from the streets. They claimed it was to help hunt down the kidnappers of the Interior Minister’s sister but the real reason seems to be to reduce the demand for gas until supplies could be replenished. Electricity in most Baghdad neighborhoods has now been further reduced to as low as 1 hour per day. The black market rate for fuel for generators has doubled again and in many areas even that has run out. At this rate the city will go dark by the end of the month. Iraqi troops are reluctant to escort fuel trucks into Baghdad and American troops have their hands full escorting their own convoys. Most US casualties are a result of trying to protect US military supplies. You can forget about the US military escorting civilian fuel convoys. So it all comes down to the Iraq army’s ability to get fuel into Baghdad and I don’t have much confidence they will succeed." |