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"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - -
William Blum

May 31, 2006
I've been running into increasing numbers of people who voted for Bush in 2000 but not in 2004, and are thus trying to come off as intellectually brilliant or something. Although Bush stole the election in 2000 (and again in 2004), it's these dumbasses who were smart enough to realize their error in '04 but dumb enough in '00 to make the election close enough for Bush to steal.

My message to these dumbasses: Don't come looking to me for any kind of understanding, forgiveness or admiration. You and your kind are the ones that permanently fucked up the lives of every lower and middle class American by sticking your heads through your rectal sphincter in November, 2000. I'm sure the victims of 9/11, of Afghanistan, of Iraq and of Gitmo would agree with me.

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A lot of Democrats are getting all excited about taking back the House and possibly the Senate this November. Exactly how many times do people like me have to remind people like that about THIS?

Bush's new conservative Supreme Court just started trimming away our constitutional rights. F*ck-you-very-much, Senate Democrats, for allowing (through your patented "play-dead" behavior since 2001) the two most recent Bush appointees to snag chairs on the high court with nary an opposition. May the U.S. of A. rest in peace.
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May 27, 2006

An Inconvenient Donation

As you have likely heard or seen by now, the Competitive Enterprise Institute has its media guns loaded, cocked and firing at the sensationalism generated by Al Gore's new movie, An Inconvenient Truth.

Ever the curious one, I went to the CEI web site and found their two commercials currently airing on TV which attempt to debunk the fact that CO2 emissions are accelerating global warming. They are completely misleading and flat-out wrong, of course. As a bonus they added to their video choices a shiv for Gore.

CEI has, believe it or not, a section for donations! Yes, an "institute" funded entirely by exceedingly wealthy corporations (e.g. Exxon-Mobil) wouldn't mind if you threw $10 or $20 of your gas money their way.

There's also a PayPal link on their site if you're into that, which I am, so I went ahead and sent a $0.01 donation to them with the message "Kiss My A$$". If every good progressive did that, maybe a significant portion of Exxon-Mobil's/Others' support would be used processing the donations rather than putting out their outrageous propoganda.

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something
when his job depends on not understanding it." - - - Upton Sinclair
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May 26, 2006
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Friday Fun
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May 24, 2006
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The One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project is nicely humming along in its development. The developers plan to manufacture laptop computers to be sold worldwide, especially in 3rd world nations, in order to "revolutionize how we educate the world's children". What's the big deal, you say? Well, they'll cost $100 each. More info HERE.
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May 23, 2006
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In yesterday's speech President Bush war used the word "work" (a.k.a. "workers", "works", "working") 45 times. Must be hard work writing those 3rd grade level speeches. I mean, just appreciate the complex yet comprehensive nature of this answer that he gave following his speech:

"I want to remind people that the United States stands against corruption at all levels of government, that the United States is transparent. The United States expects the same from other countries in the neighborhood, and we'll work toward them."

The only thing he failed to mention was that, in spite of (the rest of) the U.S standing against corruption and being for transparency, the Bush Administration has yet to reach such a level of function, although he did say that they "will work toward them." So there is hope after all.

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May 22, 2006
"A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious. On the other hand, they do less easily move against him, believing that he has the gods on his side." - - - Aristotle
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May 21, 2006
Today's guest post from Phil L.:

A Veterans' Disability Benefits Commission voted 11-2 in favor on Friday (05-19-06) to go ahead with a study of Disabled Veterans who get VA compensation and who collect Social Security Disability Insurance. Did I mention that the panel was 9-4 in favor of Republicans. 4 on the commission were Bush appointees!
I still don't understand what part of 'separate under the law' this commission doesn't understand!! Here's the skinny!

The Commission Chairperson (Ret.) Army Lt. Gen. Terry Scott (Ret.) stated at the meeting: "...that the Members of Congress who wrote letters to him were all invited to speak before the Commission on the subject of SSI & disabled vets. None appeared. Isn't it interesting how quick they are to send a letter but when asked to back up their paperwork, they 'no show'."

Hey Terry, Veteran Benefits and SSDI are 'separate under the law'! A Congressperson shouldn't have to appear if you interpret the law correctly!! I forgot, in Bushworld everything is possible!! Way to support your Veteran brethren Terry! I forgot, you have yours already!

And the best rebuttal came from Richard F. Weidman, Executive Dir. for Policy and Government Affairs, Vietnam Veterans of America:
"...if the Commission is going to start delving into all income and wealth of each service member or veteran, where do you stop? Do you examine 401k plans and possible 'offsets'? Stock & Bond portfolios? Individual Retirement Accounts that people built after military service? Inherited land? The spouse' income? The income of the extended family? The answer is to all these is a resounding 'NO'! You do not have a right to get into these areas, as they have nothing to do with the individual citizen's military service."

I take it a step further and ask the Republicans, "When do you stop granting military retirees their social security benefits"? Please bring this issue up, I'm begging you to!!

Now we await the study's outcome. What a waste of time and money!
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May 19, 2006
"....The United States was able to face down such threats as the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany without indefinite detentions, widespread use of torture as an interrogative technique, or all-pervasive surveillance. But a smallish group of terrorists who can't even surface publicly abroad for fear they'll be swiftly killed by the mightiest military on earth? Time to break out the document shredder and do away with that pesky constitution.

"Last, there's the unargued assumption that civil rights and the rule of law are some kind of near-intolerable impediment to national security. But if you look around the world over the past hundred years or so, I think you'll see that the record of democracy is pretty strong. You don't see authoritarian regimes using their superior ability to operate in secret and conduct surveillance to run roughshod over more fastidious countries. You see liberalism prospering -- both in the sense that the core liberal countries have grown richer-and-richer and in the sense that liberal democracy has consistently spread out from its original homeland since people like it better. You see governments that can operate in total secrecy falling prey to crippling corruption. You see powers of surveillance used not to defend countries from external threats, but to defend rulers from domestic political opponents."

"The U.S.S.R., after all, lost the Cold War, not because we beat them in a race to the bottom to improve national security by gutting the principles of our system, but because the principles underlying our system were actually better than the alternative. If you don't have some faith [that] the American way of life is capable of coping with actual challenges, then what's the point in defending it?"

- - - - Matthew Yglesias
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(Thanks, Ulla)

Of course, I'd understand if whoever does it, man or woman (and I'm confident there are plenty of Republican Congressmen who wouldn't hesitate) needed to get fall-down drunk first.
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And this photo was just too funny to pass up (thanks, Phil):

Tragic photo showing the devastation left behind after the bird flu hit a Florida trailer park...
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May 15, 2006
Guest post by Phil L.:

We have heard the story about the Mentally Ill soldier's forced to fight. Many have committed suicide due to lack of treatment or sensitivity to their urgent needs.

The Hartford Courant has the follow up.

You might be wondering, how does your Congressperson vote on support of the Veterans issues? Crap, even Veteran's Committee Chairperson, Steven Buyer (R-IN) was rated a zero! It's really hard work chairing, right Stevie? So please, look up your congressperson's rating!! Any coincidence that a lot of Republican's were rated a zero! That should be worth some votes for the Democrats this fall alone!! But will they capitalize on it?

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"The NSA wants to remind everyone to call their mothers this Sunday. They need to calibrate their system." - - - Bruce Schneier
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Weekday Bits

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"Do you want your government to waste its time and resources chasing countless bad leads and invading your privacy, or do you want checks and balances that keep your government focused on the actual threat?" - - - Liberal Oasis' Bill Scher on NSA wiretapping and domestic spying
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May 14, 2006
Reader Phil L. sent this link to the news about the indictment of Bush's Brain.

In spite of all the criminal activity by the Bush-war Administration coming to light in the courts over the past year, we're still killing Iraqis and Afghanis. We're still threatening Iran and screwing with unstable North Korea. We're still starving and spying on the lower and middle classes and feeding the rich. We're still watching the Democratic Party establishment kowtow to the Republicans. We're still imprisoning uncharged citizens of the U.S. and the world with no legal recourse. We're still raping the environment and atmosphere. And we're still electing people who perpetuate the cronyism and corruption firmly entrenched in our federal, state and local governments.

So really, what's one more set of indictments going to do to help us? Right.... nothing.
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May 12, 2006
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May 11, 2006
Regulars to Left is Right may have noticed a severe drop in posting over the past few weeks. Spare time has become a rare commodity due to numerous events happening in my life and I hope that time will become more generous in a few weeks so that I can return to my passion of boring all of you with my personal ultra-left-wing, hippie-commie, tree-hugging, gay rights-supporting, Bush-bashing drivel.

Nothing else has changed. I still like the Lakers even though they crashed and burned in the playoffs. And my 2002 Prius now has over 70K miles and is saving me tons of $'s due to my long daily commute ($28/week just driving to work).

I still think Dianne Feinstein could take lessons from Barbara Boxer in caring about Californians' problems with our theocratic federal government.

I think Hillary Clinton finally blew it big time by becoming a new best friend of ultra-conservative Murdock.

I think Phil Angelides, Anthony Villaraigosa and Gavin Newsom together will make California the greatest "nation" in history.

I think everyone should read "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" and become familiar with the corporate elite that actually runs the entire world. (You can click the Amazon link to it near the bottom of the left sidebar.)

I think people should stop being excessively selfish about their personal satisfaction and start caring about those whom they never see (or those whom they step over) who struggle every day to make ends meet.

I think true heroes are NOT people who are paid to do their job, no matter how dangerous or hard, but are those who risk their careers, personal safety and even their lives by helping others in dire straits and/or by exposing corruption, dishonesty and state-supported violence/murder and false imprisonment/torture.

I think anyone who thinks the Republican Party has done a single good deed for anyone in need these past 6 years needs to have their head thoroughly examined, if not their soul.

I think the internet is history's greatest invention.
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May 9, 2006
"By and large, Americans are getting sick and tired of the posturing by the Republican Congress, putting politics ahead of policy. While there is an understanding that there will be some sybolic acts in politics, Americans want to see some substance, too, and the Do Nothing Republican Congress simply can't provide it.

"No increased funding for stem cell research, even though the majority of the Congress favors it. No changes to Social Security, even though the Republicans claimed the program was in crisis. No serious move to insure the uninsured, even though leaving tens of millions devoid of coverage is both an economic and moral disaster. No changes to America's immigration policy, even though the Republican base is clamoring for it. No decrease in the massive budget deficit, even though our growing national debt is already affecting the economy. No oversight on Iraq, even though the country is descending into a civil war.

"At a time at which Americans need real leadership, assertiveness and action the Republican Congress either cannot or will not provide it. And the only remedy for such potentially-crippling inaction is the election of Democratic majorities in both the House and the Senate in November."

- - - Jonathan Singer
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May 8, 2006
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May 1, 2006
Veteran Phil L. has a followup to an earlier post:

In an unprecedented move to show their gratitude to those who have served their country honorably:

Lt. Gen. Terry Scott (U.S. Army, ret.), who is Chairman of the Veterans' Disability Benefits Commission (VDBC), wants to study vets who get Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) as well as VA compensation. The goal is an offset (reduction) in payments to veterans. The VDBC's charter doesn't allow this, so, in an unconstitutional move, he asked Congress to interpret their own law, to give him permission to do this. And, unbelievably, he's got that permission.

Veterans...it's time to get angry. I think it's time to make a big noise. Gen. Scott's email at the VDBC is:


This email is good for all Commission members. The Commission's phone number is:

(202) 756-7729

Background story here.

What can I say? Just take all us Disabled Veterans and throw us in the trash heap. Maybe we can get on with QTC Management and work for former VA head Anthony J. Principi, he seems to be doing quite well for himself!
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Well the weight of the world is FALLING
And on my back I've been CRAWLING
The state of affairs is APPALLING
And the 6 o'clock news keeps CALLING

Well I've been trying to see the world through their eyes
Where black is white and day is night
Left is Right
Left is Right
Left is Right, For me

Well negotiations keep STALLING
The United Nations keeps CALLING
The Skeletons you're HAULING
Won't hold when you're FALLING

Put your head in the sand and you'll never know
What's waiting for you in the depths below (below)
Don't believe everything that you read
Take what you want and keep what you need



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