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"....The Bush Administration’s “hands-off” foreign policy has crashed and burned now, and we are being dragged down the hell hole with Israel as a result of this attack and our enabling of it. The Lebanese have told Condi not to bother returning to Beirut, and they seemingly support a massive Hezbollah retaliation for the bombing as an act of Lebanese self-defense. Once again it is us and the Israelis against the world, and any calls by Bush for democracy and an overarching solution will fall deservedly on uninterested heads of state, who must wonder how the American people can continue to support a callous and craven administration so indifferent to the victims of its policies. "God damn you Mr. President for what you, yes you have done to this country. You, your satanic Vice President and Secretary of Defense, and your inept Secretary of State have besmirched the integrity and dignity of this country for far too long. I fear that we will all now pay a price for it. With his green light and wink and a nod relationship with Israel, Bush has blood on his hands tonight just as much as the Israelis. "I spent several minutes tonight looking at the wire service pictures of the victims, and I saw women and young women that were the same ages as my wife and daughter. Yes, the people of Israel suffer this as well, and have for years. But this was a discriminate attack by Israel on this target, using precise weapons and jet fuel provided in part by the Bush Administration, under a green light from this president. I expect much more from the president of the United States than I do from the leader of Hezbollah or the nutcase in Tehran, but after today, George W. Bush has lowered the office of the president to the same nefarious, banana republic level as them. "Burn in hell Mr. Bush. Your foreign policy team is waiting for you there. No matter how quickly you try and weasel your way away from this and towards a face-saving call for a cease fire, this hangs around your neck, and there is nothing you can do to change that." - - - - - Steve Soto |
A man was being tailgated by a stressed out woman on a busy boulevard. Suddenly, the light turned yellow, just in front of him. He did the right thing, stopping at the crosswalk, even though he could have beaten the red light by accelerating through the intersection. The tailgating woman was furious and honked her horn, screaming in frustration as she missed her chance to get through the intersection, dropping her cell phone and makeup. As she was still in mid-rant, she heard a tap on her window and looked up into the face of a very serious police officer. The officer ordered her to exit her car with her hands up. He took her to the police station where she was searched, finger printed, photographed and placed in a holding cell. After a couple of hours, a policeman approached the cell and opened the door. She was escorted back to the booking desk where the arresting officer was waiting with her personal effects. He said, "I'm very sorry for this mistake. You see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, flipping off the guy in front of you, and cussing a blue streak at him. I noticed the 'Choose Life' license plate holder, the 'What Would Jesus Do' bumper sticker, the 'Follow Me to Sunday-School' bumper sticker, and the chrome-plated Christian fish emblem on the trunk. "Naturally... I assumed you had stolen the car." |
"They get on the TV screens and they get people to ask questions about, well, this, that or the other. I mean, they're able to kind of say to people, don't come and bother us because we will kill you. And my attitude is, is that now is the time to be firm. And we've got a great weapon on our side, and that is freedom, and liberty. And it's got -- those two concepts have got the capacity to defeat ideologies of hate." - - - G.W. Bush, today |
Cheney Is Ready To Roll Through Condi Into Damascus And Tehran Well, here is your latest installment from the “Most Dangerous Foreign Policy Team Ever.” Ken Silverstein of Harper’s Magazine reports today that despite Condi’s public claims to the contrary, the Bush Administration is actively considering using thousands of American troops for the multinational force in southern Lebanon, over the objections of the Pentagon brass. This is how it works in Bush’s Washington: you jettison active engagement in a region, and when it goes to hell, your fascist cabal uses the military like toy Army pieces to carry out their implausible fantasies. To insert US ground forces into southern Lebanon just because the PNAC cabal thinks it is a great stage-setter for going after Syria at a time when we don’t have enough troops to even get out of Iraq is beyond the pale for even this crew. But wait. It all becomes clear now. We set up military bases in southern Lebanon to go after Syria as the perfect midterm election distraction, and then pivot from that to the real deal: a post-election attack against Iran. James Bamford in Rolling Stone magazine reports, and Sam Gardiner has confirmed, that there seems to be active planning by the Administration for an attack against Iran after the midterm elections. And if any of us still think that this campaign against Lebanon by Israel is over the kidnapping of their two soldiers, we (including me) are wrong. This appears to have been the plan since at least last year. The question is whether or not the Pentagon brass will stand up to Rummy and Cheney over this suicidal insertion of American ground forces into Hezbollah territory and an attack against Iran with 130,000 targets still tied down inside Iraq. But to do these things, it appears that the Rummy and Cheney cabal want Condi out of the way. In what is clearly a frontal swipe at Bush to let him know who is in charge, Cheney’s kitchen cabinet of the usual suspects has started a campaign against Rice’s handling of foreign policy. This will get messy real soon, as W has his Veep and SecDef openly giving him and his personally selected Secretary of State the finger. Somewhere, Colin Powell is laughing his ass off now. The story in Insight magazine predicts that Condi’s approach and stewardship will be scuttled in the coming months, just in time for the PNAC plans to be implemented. There's a C-Note from me to any 2008 Democratic candidate that will start beating the drum that a dangerous cabal has taken over this country's foreign policy. |
....Israel is a regional superpower, the only nuclear power in the Middle East proper, and possessing the most technologically advanced military capability and the most professional military. Since Egypt opted out of the military struggle for economic reasons and since the US invasion broke Iraq's legs, there is no conventional military threat to Israel. Israel seeks complete military superiority, for several reasons. One impetus is defensive, on the theory that it has to win every contest and can never afford to lose even one, given its lack of strategic depth (it is a geographically small country with a small population, caught between the Mediterranean and potentially hostile neighboring populations). But the defensive reasons are only one dimension. There are also offensive considerations. The Right in Israel is determined to permanently subjugate the Palestinians and forestall the emergence of a Palestinian state. This course of action requires the constant exercise of main force against the Palestinians, who resist it, as well as threats against Arab or Muslim neighbors who might be tempted to help the Palestinians. Thus, Iraq and Iran both had to be punished and weakened. Likewise, the Israeli Right has never given up an expansionist ideology. For instance, the Israelis have a big interest in the Litani River in south Lebanon. If and when the Israeli military and political elite felt they needed to add territory by taking it from neighbors, they wished to retain that capability. The remaining challenges to complete Israeli military superiority and freedom of movement are 1) asymmetrical forces such as Hamas and Hizbullah guerrilla cells wielding rockets and 2) the menace of future unconventional challenges such as an Iranian nuclear weapon (circa 2016 if in fact the Iranians are working on it, which is not proved). Given the alliance of Shiite Hizbullah with Shiite Iran, one capability shielded the other. That this war was pre-planned was obvious to me from the moment it began. The Israeli military proceeded methodically and systematically to destroy Lebanon's infrastructure, and clearly had been casing targets for some time. The vast majority of these targets were unrelated to Hizbullah. But since the northern Sunni port of Tripoli could theoretically be used by Syria or Iran to offload replacement rockets that could be transported by truck down south to Hizbullah, the Israelis hit it. And then they hit some trucks to let truck drivers know to stay home for a while. That is why I was so shaken by George W. Bush's overheard conversation with Tony Blair about the war. He clearly thought that it broke out because Syria used Hizbullah to create a provocation. The President of the United States did not know that this war was a long-planned Israeli war of choice.... |
"Conservatives have declared officially for decades that they hate public programs and love private business. Why then, do Americans profess shock when these same people run the public credit card up to bunker-busting levels to line the pockets of friendly corporations, leaving taxpayers - current and the as-yet unborn - the bill? It's the dine and ditch mentality writ large, and American citizens are the unfortunate waiters having their lowly pay docked to cover the deadbeat loss - and their future grandchildren's pay docked as well. "We are witnessing an orchestrated, unprecedented transfer of public wealth to private pockets, a national one-party feeding frenzy that's making beggars and beseechers of us all, and yet many Americans stand around muttering in a daze of semi-apathetic befuddlement about gosh darn how did all this come to be and how sure as shit, uh-huh, those Republicans shore were right, government doesn't do a the little guy a damn bit of good, no sirree bob. Better drown it some more. Cut them taxes, privatize something, anything, pronto!" - - - SusanG |
"A human being is part of a whole, called by us the 'Universe,' a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest--a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." - - - Albert Einstein |
"So let's get this straight. The Israelis warn the small town Shiites of the south to flee their own homes and go hundreds of miles away (and live on what? in what?). But then they intensely bombing them, making it impossible for them to flee. The Lebanese have awoken to find themselves cockroaches. I repeat, this is nothing less than an ethnic cleansing of the Shiites of southern Lebanon, an assault on an entire civilian population's way of life. Aside from ecology, it is no different from what Saddam Hussein did to the Marsh Arabs of southern Iraq, and the Israelis are doing it for exactly the same sorts of reasons that Saddam did." - - - Juan Cole |
...By the late 1940s, [Lebanon's] makeup was changing, and many Muslims complained that Christians--about half the population--enjoyed an unfair share of wealth and power. Tensions increased when Palestinian refugees poured into Beirut in the wake of the First Arab-Israeli War in 1948-49. Before long, a brief civil war broke out, but it settled nothing. Then, in 1967, another Arab-Israeli war, the Six-Day War, drove another wave of Palestinians into Lebanon. With them came the heavily armed militias of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which started to use southern Lebanon as a base for operations against Israel. Dispute over what to do with the Palestinians helped polarize Lebanon, exacerbating the old ethnic and religious tensions. While Muslim and leftist leaders called for a new census and a new political structure, Christian leaders decried the PLO's expanding power and influence. Armed militias cropped up on both sides. Then, in 1975, a full-scale civil war erupted, with Beirut as the primary battleground. In the chaotic 15 years that followed, Beirut was divided into two--with Christians in the east and Muslims in the west. Much of the city was reduced to rubble, and many of the region's powers were drawn into the fray. Syrian forces first arrived in 1976, seeking to prop up the existing government. During the relative calm they helped impose, the PLO launched a series of attacks against Israel, which responded by invading Lebanon in 1978. The Israelis soon withdrew, but invaded again in 1982, determined to destroy the PLO. That invasion led to the infamous Sabra and Shatila massacres, in which the Israelis allowed Lebanese Christian militiamen to massacre hundreds (perhaps thousands) of Palestinian refugees in two camps. It also led to the creation of a multinational force--including U.S. Marines--charged with stabilizing the city. In October 1983, truck-bombing terrorists killed 241 U.S. soldiers and 58 French soldiers who were serving as part of the multinational force. The United States blamed the attack on the Shi'ite militant group Hezbollah and its Iranian backers. Early the next year, the multinational force went home, and the war went on. In 1986, leaders in West Beirut invited the Syrians to send enough troops to stop the fighting. The Syrians complied, but peace didn't come until 1990--and when it did come, the Syrians didn't bother to leave. As the Beirutis began to rebuild their battered city, the Syrians effectively assumed control of Lebanese politics. In September 2004, the UN Security Council told Syria to send its troops home. But the Syrians didn't budge until the so-called "Cedar Revolution" of 2005, when huge protests within Lebanon and international pressure pushed them out. By then, most of the old militias had disbanded. But not Hezbollah, which had replaced the PLO as Israel's main antagonist in southern Lebanon. There, the conflict has never really ceased. |
"A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death."- - - Albert Einstein |
If the measure of a civilization's intellectual and cultural advancement is indicated by how each member of a species treats every other member of the same species, then we are far, far behind most if not all other species living today on this particular planet.
While the Frat Boy-in-Chief dawdles, Israel says that the attacks against Lebanon will continue for possibly another couple of weeks, or at least until the IDF finishes destroying its list of Hezbollah targets that have been on the shelf for five years, waiting for a triggering event like the one Iran just gave them. Iran, for its part, while denying that it had a role in the matter, says in the next breath that no part of Israel will be safe. Bush won’t intervene, if at all, until the IDF has checked off its list of targets. Yet this sad episode is the culminating death and discrediting of Bush’s “spread democracy” focus these last several years. John Kerry was right in 2004: you can't talk about spreading democracy until you have established basic security, a respect for law, and a commitment to economic and social justice in the region. Bush and Karl Rove were too intent on acting like Woodrow Wilson to care. The United States has eviscerated any usable framework from which to act as the honest broker, and has become a pathetic and intentionally impotent bystander in the region thanks to an occupation that has spun out of control and has sapped our military and moral influence in the region. Yet the 101st Fighting Keyboarders want their next war with Syria and Iran, and let someone else’s kids die for them again, while the Democrats fail to forcefully attack those who gave us the Iraq debacle as mentally and intellectually unfit to steer us into another debacle. Democrats are failing to show voters that the same policy and people who gave us an occupation that will be dictated by 2008 politics have also abdicated leadership necessary to engage all parties in regional solutions. In fact, the only thing Bush seems capable of lately is embarrassing this country and making an ass out of himself on the world stage. And while Bush rushes back from his latest international embarrassment to veto the stem cell bill tomorrow, one wonders if the region will stay intact long enough for Israel to lay waste to Lebanon and our all-too-evident cruise ship evacuation to take place safely. --- Steve Soto |
In America today, dozens of conservative pundits make their living by being hateful. The media use these pundits -- such as Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck, and Melanie Morgan -- to provide knee-jerk right-wing commentary and to create controversy. These pundits thrive in the role of professional hate merchants, enhancing their name recognition and reaping financial windfalls from book sales. As media consumers, we must urge the media to stop giving these right-wing pundits a platform. America deserves to hear honest, reasoned debate, not mudslinging by right-wing hatemongers. We've started a petition urging the media to stop promoting and giving a platform to these hate merchants. Click here to add your name and take a stand for honest debate in our nation's media. We're working with other organizations to spread the word about this important campaign. When you add your name to the list, you will join others across the country in calling on the media to restore a degree of integrity to news broadcasts and other content. Some media outlets are waking up. Just this week, The Gazette of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, decided to drop Coulter's column. With our efforts, more and more media outlets will realize that the hate spread by Coulter and others like her is unwelcome and unnecessary. Please add your name today, and urge your friends to add their names too. |
Press Release of Senator Boxer Senate Passes Boxer Amendment Requiring FEMA To Outline Federal Earthquake Response Plans - Thursday, July 13, 2006 Washington, D.C. – The Senate passed an amendment by U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) today that would require the Federal Emergency Management Agency to submit a report outlining federal earthquake response plans in preparation for major earthquakes. Boxer said, “Experts predict that a major California earthquake could happen along the southern end of the San Andreas fault at any time, which could cause catastrophic devastation. Despite the hard lessons we learned from Hurricane Katrina, the federal government remains frighteningly unprepared to respond to a major earthquake.” Boxer’s amendment requires the Director of FEMA to submit a report to the Senate Appropriations Committee outlining the federal earthquake response plans for high risk earthquake regions. FEMA must submit the report within 90 days of this legislation being signed into law. Currently, FEMA has not released a specific plan for how they would respond to a major California earthquake. Boxer has previously requested the response plan in numerous letters to Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. The Department responded with a copy of the National Response Plan, which is a generic response plan for natural disasters and terrorist attacks in the United States, and a comprehensive review of disaster planning generally in California, not a specific plan for coping with the immediate aftermath of an earthquake. Experts have recently predicted that the southern end of the San Andreas fault is under enormous pressure that could result in a magnitude 7.5 to 8 earthquake at any time. |
Dear Friend, I've just returned from the Middle East, where rising hostilities between Israel, the Palestinians and Lebanon threaten to spark a wider regional conflict. The deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza is already desperate, and it's possible that the escalating violence could create new crises in Lebanon and elsewhere across the region. Mercy Corps has been working in the Middle East since the early 1980s. Over the last several months, we have been helping vulnerable families in the Gaza Strip with food and other essentials. Having just met with our staff in the region, I can tell you the situation in Gaza is awful: power is out, clean water is scarce, medical supplies are dwindling and people are desperate. I also met with Israeli and Palestinian leaders participating in a Mercy Corps-sponsored project to improve the process for peace negotiations. Despite the many challenges, they remain hopeful that their efforts will ultimately bear fruit. Veteran Mercy Corps aid workers are posted throughout the Middle East, continuing vital relief and development programs and monitoring the situation as it unfolds. We need your support to continue this aid — and to be ready to respond if humanitarian needs escalate. Please give to our Middle East Crisis Fund, and visit our Web site for the latest on this growing crisis. Sincerely, Neal Keny-Guyer, CEO Mercy Corps * 3015 SW 1st Ave., Dept. W * Portland, OR 97201 http://newsletter.mercycorps.org/site/R?i=dfeaw50WrFh6azTcoZW5yA.. |
"Robert Novak, some other commentators and the Administration continue to try to completely distort the role that Valerie Wilson played with respect to Ambassador Wilson's trip to Niger. The facts are beyond dispute. The Office of the Vice President requested that the CIA investigate reports of alleged uranium purchases by Iraq from Niger. The CIA setup a meeting to respond to the Vice President's inquiry. Another CIA official, not Valerie Wilson, suggested to Valerie Wilson's supervisor that the Ambassador attend that meeting. That other CIA official made the recommendation because that official was familiar with the Ambassador's vast experience in Niger and knew of a previous trip to Africa concerning uranium matters that had been undertaken by the Ambassador on behalf of the CIA in 1999. Valerie Wilson's supervisor subsequently asked her to relay a request from him to the Ambassador that he would like the Ambassador to attend the meeting at the CIA. Valerie Wilson did not participate in the meeting. "As the CIA itself has officially confirmed, Valerie Wilson did not send Ambassador Wilson to Niger and she neither suggested him nor recommended him for the trip. Furthermore, the Ambassador agreed to travel to Niger pro bono with only his travel expenses being paid." |
Today, the Office of Management Budget projected a $296 billion federal deficit for fiscal year 2006. Bush held a press conference arguing that this is a vindication of his economic policies. Actually, it would be the fourth largest deficit of all time. Here’s the top five: 1. 2004 (George W. Bush) $413 billion 2. 2003 (George W. Bush) $378 billion 3. 2005 (George W. Bush) $318 billion 4. 2006 (George W. Bush) $296 billion (projected) 5. 1992 (George H. W. Bush) $290 billion When President Bush came into office, he inherited a surplus of $284 Billion. At that time, the Bush administration predicted a $516 billion surplus for 2006. The fact that Bush now considers a $296 billion deficit an occasion to celebrate shows how far we’ve fallen. |
"....any U.S. withdrawal plan that is predicated on Iraqis assuming responsibility for policing is not a plan at all but an open-ended commitment. "At best such a commitment would last years. But realistically I’m not sure there is any historical precedent for an occupying power being able to salvage a situation that is as far gone as the security situation in Iraq is. "Lacking the integrity to acknowledge a disastrous outcome and the courage to change course, the President, the Vice President, and the Secretary of Defense have made the decision to punt the problem they created to the next administration." --- TPM Reader DK |
"...is there simply no line that Israel can't cross? Are all actions -- no matter how high up the escalation ladder -- acceptable because Hamas was elected to leadership in a free and fair election? To be fair to Israel, Hamas has not imposed a monopoly on the use of force and it has not moved far in either recognition of Israel or abandoning terror tactics -- but those watching this carefully saw serious progress that Israel failed to cultivate. "Israel is a superpower in the region -- and has enormous assets to shape the course of events in the Palestinian-Israeli relationship, but it is electing to crush the Hamas-led government, assuring that a major branch of militant Islam is taught once again not to even attempt to engage in democratic political process. --- Steve Clemons |
"The GOP machine is built on the nexus of earmarks, lobbying fees, government contracts, and laundered monies. Aboveboard campaign contributions (i.e., corporate cash) play a part, but the under-the-table money fuels the machine. "That's why a Jack Abramoff has access to the White House. It's why a Tom Delay rises to become House majority leader. It's why the revolving door keeps spinning. "Machine politics subordinates ideology to the exigencies of keeping the machine running. Thus you have out-of-control federal spending under professed small-government conservatives. You have conservative foreign policy elites wary of foreign entanglements suddenly proclaiming the good news of nation-building. "Independents and honest Republicans recognize the threat that machine politics poses to democratic institutions. It trumps party, ideology, and competent government. It also trumps God, flag, and country. "So, in the 2006 elections, are you with the machine or are you against it?" --- TPM Reader DK |
Bits for the week of July 4th
Well the weight of the world is FALLING And on my back I've been CRAWLING The state of affairs is APPALLING And the 6 o'clock news keeps CALLING Well I've been trying to see the world through their eyes Where black is white and day is night Left is Right Left is Right Left is Right, For me Well negotiations keep STALLING The United Nations keeps CALLING The Skeletons you're HAULING Won't hold when you're FALLING Put your head in the sand and you'll never know What's waiting for you in the depths below (below) Don't believe everything that you read Take what you want and keep what you need TWISTED NIXON |
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