"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

August 09, 2005

Street-Taking 101A

Here's a new website, Take To The Streets. As the press release on Common Dreams says:

August 8 - Two students have launched a new website called "take to the streets.com". Its sole purpose is to list progressive activities taking place nationwide, with emphasis on demonstrations and rallies. Instead of announcements of rallies being scattered over literally hundreds of websites, these students see the need for such a list to be compiled in one place for several reasons. They believe that such information has power only if it has focus. They also believe and hope that just seeing such a list will have a positive psychological effect on large numbers of people. They believe that it will excite enthusiasm and motivate open-minded and fair-minded people all over this country to take part, and take responsibility in helping America live up to its full promise.

It just started, so let's give it some time to ferment. There are already listings into October. Good luck to some true American patriots!

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