"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

August 09, 2005

"A Look Into the Mirror"

Here is a terrific opinion piece by Manuel Valenzuela. Much too long to repost, but here is a sample:

...We outside the hallowed halls of power are rightfully quick to place blame for our nation’s ills on those prostitutes, shills, lackeys and traveling salesmen who without fault descend like vultures onto the mechanisms of governance, quickly gorging themselves on the bones and crumbs the Establishment and corporate world throw their way. Having transformed all three branches of government into swinging door bordellos, making mockeries of democracy and noble governance, eroding representation of constituents and forever burying the once eminent principle of a government of the People, by the People and for the People, the parasites holding the nation hostage, in essence betraying what we once held dear, by their actions committing unforgivable acts of treason against the republic, are nonetheless granted this power, this permission to rape and plunder and sabotage our lives, by none other than tens of millions of American citizens.

It is us, one and all, who grant this scum of the earth, the greatest miscreants a nation can produce, the ability and permission to betray a nation of 300 million into the malfeasant claws of the Establishment and the corporate world, a small minority whose control of America grows stronger with each passing day. It is us, one and all, who cast ballots and grant the keys to the nation to malignant vermin and unscrupulous leeches who use our unenlightened vote to enrich their bank accounts, enhance their power and further their interests, in the process gifting our nation over to those whose interests lie in controlling America and its citizens....

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