"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

August 09, 2005

NARAL accused of being gnarly

FactCheck.org bashes NARAL:

NARAL Falsely Accuses Supreme Court Nominee Roberts
Attack ad says he supported an abortion-clinic bomber and excused violence. In fact, Roberts called clinic bombers “criminals” who should be prosecuted fully.

August 9, 2005 - Summary

An abortion-rights group is running an attack ad accusing Supreme Court nominee John Roberts of filing legal papers "supporting . . . a convicted clinic bomber" and of having an ideology that "leads him to excuse violence against other Americans" It shows images of a bombed clinic in Birmingham , Alabama .

The ad is false.

And the ad misleads when it says Roberts supported a clinic bomber. It is true that Roberts sided with the bomber and many other defendants in a civil case, but the case didn't deal with bombing at all. Roberts argued that abortion clinics who brought the suit had no right use an 1871 federal anti-discrimination statute against anti-abortion protesters who tried to blockade clinics. Eventually a 6-3 majority of the Supreme Court agreed, too. Roberts argued that blockades were already illegal under state law.

The images used in the ad are especially misleading. The pictures are of a clinic bombing that happened nearly seven years after Roberts signed the legal brief in question.

Okay, Progressives. We're at a crossroads here. Do we continue to be righteous and moral and better-than-the-Republicans by making sure (through organizations like FactCheck) we continue telling the truth?

Results so far: We are getting bashed/crushed/steamrolled year-after-year-after-year by the smears and lies and "Swifties" spewed incessantly by the Right-wing Attack Machine.

Or do we bite the bullet and start doing what NARAL did, which was to viciosly attack back using the Right's own weapons?

What do you do at this point when your survival is at stake?

***UPDATE*** 8/10/05: FactCheck.org accused of being less than factual in their checking.

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