"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

November 16, 2007

Bits and Pieces for the Week of November 11 - 17

Fox News has a new porn site. (Mike)

Innovative online parenting help via The Science of Raising Happy Kids founded by UC Berkeley (Mike)

Did you ever wonder how online hackers keep stealing personal security info? Maybe this is one way. (Mike)

If you're interested in following the water shortage crisis in Georgia, try the Atlanta Water Shortage blog (Mike)

I really wish GORE WOULD ANNOUNCE A RUN FOR PRESIDENT! Yes, he is doing great for the climate crisis but I cannot think of a higher calling than to rescue our ONCE GREAT NATION! (7 of 6)

Wow! What a powerful story! "Back, but not at home". "Battered returning vets struggle with transition." I know it might get old to some, but it's our National disgrace in full view. (7 of 6)

Senator Diane Feinstein is just the latest Bush enabler. (Mike)

Economy is going south. Best bet: buy foreign currency. (Mike)

Last week's spill of bunker fuel in San Francisco Bay brought to more light the deadly nature of bunker fuel. You can do something about it here. (Mike)

This headline literally made me ill! (no pun intended) "Health insurer tied bonuses to dropping sick policyholders". *sigh* That's corporate America for you, the almighty dollar before the lives of people. (7 of 6)

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