"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

July 11, 2005

What Happens When Village Idiots Are Allowed to Breed

This from Village Voice:

"It's not logical. . . . It doesn't go with any scientific evidence," explained Forrest Montgomery, 20, a student at Murrieta Calvary Chapel Bible College in California. "It's a theory, and it's been disproven many times. . . . They have to keep on changing the theory of evolution . . . and it's terrible because they teach it in schools as fact, and they say you can't teach the Bible. . . . The Bible hasn't been proven wrong, and it's impossible to prove it wrong. Like, the Bible—it's flawless. It's the word of God."

Montgomery was one of hundreds of evangelicals who came to New York last week for the Billy Graham Crusade. Another was his classmate Kenny Kagawa, 23. "I used to believe in evolution," said Kagawa, "but after I started thinking, I'm like, why am I believing something that there's no proof to? You know? And then when I heard the story of Christ and just the creation and everything, I researched it, and there's so much more evidence that goes along with the story of the Bible, like, accounts of the beginning. . . .

"So, Christianity's not a bunch of people who are brainwashed and don't know anything, you know what I mean? It's a life-changing experience. . . . God created us with a brain to think on our own, and that's what I did. I went to school. I went to college. I did good. . . . I'm not one just to believe in anything."

"Holy Darwin, Batman! Idiots are taking over the world!"

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