"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

July 11, 2005

Criminal record? Just put it in your resume.

Bush-war continues to hire more criminals into the Administration:

CONFESSED IRAN-CONTRA CONSPIRATOR LANDS PLUM PENTAGON JOB: Robert Earl confessed to a grand jury that "he had destroyed and stolen national security documents while working for Lt. Col. Oliver L. North during the Iran-Contra scandal." Today, in the Bush administration, "Earl has clearance to review the kinds of classified documents he once destroyed." Earl has landed "one of the most coveted offices in the Pentagon as chief of staff to Gordon R. England, acting deputy secretary of Defense." Pentagon spokesmen said they weren't concerned with Earl's involvement in an illegal cover-up because it occurred "nearly two decades ago."

Unbelievable. Still.

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