"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

July 07, 2005

Heather at Here's What's Left describes the Right Brothers singing the wrong music. Here's some of their lyrics (from: "You Can't Racial Profile"):

Well, I ain't never seen a grandma
Strap dynamite around her waist
Or put explosives in her slip-ons
And try to blow a plane to outerspace
As a matter of fact every terrorist act
That's taken place in the friendly sky
You must understand has been by an olived skinned man
Between 18 and 35

You can't racial profile
We've got laws against that insensitive attack
And meanwhile, they can pull every granny out of line
You can poke 'em and prod 'em if they're yellow, black or white
But if they're Middle Eastern well you'd better treat 'em right
'Cause being politically correct is more important than saving lives

I am starting to think that I will never understand just how so many people can become so insane as to truly believe in the Extreme Christian Conservative doctrine. It's gotta be something they've been puttin' into the tap water for the past three decades.

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