"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

March 24, 2005

Thepoorman's analysis of the Neocon faction of the Republican Party (snippet):

....Yes, the Republican Party is primarily concerned with A) diminishing the government’s power over large corporations and the very rich, and B) pandering to a sizeable constituency who want to increase the government’s power over every other facet of American life, and over the rest of the world, in accordance with God’s Holy Bible, a book they have not read. Here is the platform of the Texas Republican Party, the party of Bush and DeLay, a platform which proposes to “dispel the “myth” of the separation of church and state”, oh, and eliminate the IRS, the ATF, the EPA, the DoE, HUD, HHS, Education, Commerce, Labor, and the Surgeon General, evict the UN, and teach Creationism in science classes, praise Jesus. That’s the Republican position - or at least the position of those Republicans currently in charge of the party - and it will remain the position of the party, like it or not, until such time as it stops winning elections. Until such time, in other words, as y’all stop acting surprised every time they do what they say they want to do, and stop supporting them.

Yeah, the "non-supporting" stuff... I think that's a good idea, you goddam Democratic Senators and Representatives who keep voting in support of Republican bills, not a single one of which has ever been supportive of the average American. You traitors to our Party: If you're going to vote with the Republicans then please do the rest of us a favor and admit that you're Republicans; do something honest for once in your lives.

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