"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

March 24, 2005

Getting close to the deep end?

Steve Gilliard on the consequences of Republican politicians giving their support to the fundagelicals who are actively campaigning for Terri Schiavo's parents:

....I said soon after the election that Bush would regret making a deal with the devil and that day seems to be fast approaching. The wingnuts expect to have their way, as they have in the past. They vilify Michael Schiavo with a vile ease. They seem to be getting nuttier by the day and Jeb may find that he cannot meet their demands.

The parents are taking cash from the right with glee and working the room, but the danger of playing with ultras is their refusal to accept reality. The backlash could hit Jeb square in the face. The further he goes with this, the more he and DeLay invest in this circus, the more they have to lose. If Jeb intervenes illegally, he'll be hammered by the courts. If he doesn't, the Ultras may get even crazier. The more emotional this gets, the more liklihood there is of violence. What's to stop someone from shooting their way into the hospice in a misguided attempt to rescue Terri Schiavo? The radical right has created an [environment] where violence could explode at any moment. People so reckless that they will let their kids get arrested.

Even the GOP is [n]ervous about how this plays out and they should be. The rage of the ultras may be turned against the GOP pols in a violent way.

By raising expectations of some kind of relief against any legal reality, they are creating this fantasy world. And by siding with the Schindlers against the husband, there is the expectation that Jeb can perform some miracle which he cannot.

I keep finding myself mentally crossing my fingers.

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