"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

March 23, 2005

Regarding Schiavo

I like the sound of this (emphasis added):

The traditional patient-doctor relationship must be preserved. Medical decision-making should be in the hands of physicians and their patients. In cases when a health plan denies treatment, a rapid appeals process geared toward ensuring that patients receive the right treatment without delays that might threaten a patient’s health — as opposed to a lengthy trial — must be readily accessible to everyone in all health plans. We believe a quick and fair resolution to treatment disputes without going to court is the best result. However, as a last resort, we also support a patient’s right to adjudicate claims in court to receive necessary medical care. In the interest of fairness to the thousands of businesses that purchase health benefits for their employees and for physicians who care for patients, employers and physicians should not be liable for the actions of the health plan and should be shielded from frivolous and unnecessary lawsuits.

Our overall philosophy is to trust state and local government to know what best suits the needs of their people. We believe the federal government should respect the states’ traditional authority to regulate health insurance, health care professionals, and health practice guidelines through their medical boards.


How about the 2004 platform?

"We want more people to own and control their health care."

"The Republican Party reaffirms its commitment to putting patients and doctors ahead of trial lawyers."

You can get more quotes by Bush-war and his policies on health care HERE.


Wake up, sheeple. The Bush-war Administration is not interested in yor welfare.

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