"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

March 23, 2005

The new F word: Fascism

Tristero hammers the nail's head when he asks: Now that we have a fascist government in Washington, what do we liberals do? (snippet):

....Should we move to another country and watch safely from afar as the nation we grew up in and love so much disintegrates before our eyes, as it surely will from the behavior of such extremists? I'm sure it will tempt many, but few will actually do it, for logistical, personal, and/or political reasons.

Should we work within the Democratic Party? Oh, please. Did you read Lieberman and Biden in the New Yorker, on the meaning of Dean as chair? Said with a sneer: "It never made a damn bit of difference who was Democratic chairman." Ok, maybe Dean can knock heads together enough to make a difference someday. But we're confronting real, genuine, fascism -the ugly kind- today. The incompetent clods who are still in charge of the Democrats not only let a genuine war hero and exemplary patriot get tarred as a lying traitor. They also permitted a drunken, stupid, ignornant and amoral WAR DESERTER be portrayed as a man of courage, stern conviction, and military mien. They should have raised holy hell. But they didn't.

Nah, the Democrats got a long, long way to go until anyone could even pretend with a straight face they're a nationally important party again.

Revolution and radical struggle? A second Civil War? The very notion sickens me. First, I'm a liberal. Political extremism and absolutism, of all sorts, revolts me. It is anti-liberal, ie anti-freedom. Furthermore, no sane American who truly thought about the consequences of the revolutionary overthrow of an American government, even a fascist one, could support such madness. The human consequences would make the first Civil War look like a collegiate wrestling tournament in comparison.

And guess who would win? Hint: Ken Lay's on their side. No. When you talk about destruction, you can count me out. (Where have I heard that before?)

So. Now what?

I don't know... Our Constitution is about as useful as a mall directory right now. Those with the gold are doing everything possible to gather more. The economy, in case you haven't been paying attention, is on the verge of tanking. How much longer before we'll no longer be able to even write stuff like this on the internet? How many times have you fondly looked back on the 1990's, realizing now that it may never be that good again?

I disagree with Tristero about revolution. I'm a sane American and I don't think it's madness to consider overthrowing madness. The only way we can overcome our current demise is through revolution. And I mean in the friggin streets.

Or move away.

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