"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

July 21, 2004

Plea to Ralph

The local Democratic Club in my city has just sent the following request to Ralph Nader. Let's hope other grassroots clubs are inspired to do the same.

July 20, 2004

Mr. Ralph Nader
Nader for President 2004
PO Box 18002
Washington, DC 20036

Dear Mr. Nader,

The Hubert Humphrey Democratic Club of Cerritos and surrounding communities has, at its July meeting, overwhelmingly passed a resolution requesting that you exit the 2004 presidential race. Prior to passing the resolution, the club’s members had a serious and open discussion, where we compared and contrasted the electoral systems in the United States to the system in Europe. Europe has a proportional representative democracy, where each party has the same proportional representation in the parliament as the proportional vote it won in the election. To form a majority, the different parties, each one with its own agenda, must form a coalition amongst the different parties. In the United States, our electoral system is set up so that the winner gets everything, and all others get nothing. Therefore, coalitions are formed within the parties, in order to win the elections. The Democratic party is a coalition of Environmentalists, Pro Workers, Pro-Choice Advocates, Common Sense Gun Control Advocates, First Amendment Advocates, Advocates for the poor and elderly, and Civil Rights Advocates.

The Democratic Party is big enough and diverse enough to allow you to find your niche within the party. Please join us in our mission to send George W. Bush back to Crawford this November. The Republicans have their house in order. They convinced Roy Moore, the "Ten Commandments Judge" from Alabama, not to run for president as the nominee of the Constitution Party, in order to prevent splitting the Conservative vote. After getting their house in order, the Republicans are now trying to wreck our house, by funding efforts to put you on the ballot in as many states as possible, in order to help George W. Bush maintain control of the White House. Please Don’t Run, Ralph !!


Vice President,
Hubert H. Humphrey Democratic Club

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