"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

June 07, 2004

Left Eye on Kucinich

I like Left i on the News' comments about Kucinich:

....Kucinich is the only candidate in the race as far as I know who has ever talked about Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) and Proportional Representation (PR), both of which are essential before Americans will ever be convinced to support a third party in significant numbers. Kucinich claims that with his 80 delegates he wants to go to the convention and use his delegates to talk to the Democrats about why we need to get out of Iraq. That isn't going to happen - Dennis Kucinich isn't going to change John Kerry's position on Iraq. But he could demand that Kerry and the Democrats endorse IRV and PR as a condition for supporting his candidacy, and threaten to take his supporters to Nader if Kerry doesn't agree. That's my suggestion for Dennis Kucinich. Think it couldn't happen? Look how much energy the Democrats focus on Ralph Nader. They are worried about Nader voters, and I guarantee they're worried about Kucinich voters too.

It's easy to make fun of Kucinich. He's still plugging away, and is going to the convention with maybe 80 delegates, while John Kerry has 4000 or so. But you know what? Every single person who voted for Kucinich in the primaries was actually voting for Kucinich. That's a percentage John Kerry can't even come close to matching....

We're all sober enough to realize that Kucinich isn't going to win any nomination. We also know that those of us who support Kucinich are, as a group, the most sincere endorsers of any candidate running for President. Of course we've going to give our vote to Kerry November 2. However, through Kucinich we have a voice to which we demand Kerry listen.

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