"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

February 23, 2004

Groperzenegger Update: Promises Made for Breaking

From ArnoldWatch.org (snippet):

For Arnold's 100th day as Governor, Arnold Watch has assembled the following index of what is being given and gotten in California politics:

Amount of total campaign contributions (in dollars) Schwarzenegger has received since taking office compared to what he said he would take: 11,007,144.25 : 0

Amount of contributions (in dollars) that Schwarzenegger has received on a daily basis during his first 100 days as Governor: 110,000

Ratio at which Schwarzenegger is outpacing recalled Gov. Gray Davis in fundraising: 2:1

Number of separate campaign committees controlled by Schwarzenegger into which the Governor has received contributions in 2004: 5

Amount of money Schwarzenegger has taken from Real-Estate, Developers and Construction companies compared with environmental groups: 3,732,084 : 0

Size (in dollars) of donation to Schwarzenegger from drug giant Pfizer: 100,000

High end asking price for ticket to 100th day fundraiser at residence of pharmaceutical heir Robert Wood Johnson IV: 500,000

Amount of money owed to California from the Pharmaceutical Industry based on a Bush Administration audit versus the amount targeted for collection: 1,300,000,000 : 0

Contributions (in dollars) to Schwarzenegger committees from major workers' compensation insurance companies: 409,858

Number of paragraphs devoted to workers compensation insurance rate regulation in Schwarzenegger's 100+ page proposal for workers compensation reform: 0

Campaign contributions to Schwarzenegger from the top eight industries that have donated since Schwarzenegger announced his candidacy: 13,018,166

Way to go, Arnie! You make the Republican Party proud!

Davis ain't looking so bad now, no? Hey, fellow Californian voters: Next time you vote for Governor, try voting with your brains rather than with your top-10-favorite-movies-of-all-time list (or, as with Reagan, who has the better hair).

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