"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

September 24, 2003

Via the Left Coaster:

Howard Dean ramped up the rhetoric against Bush today, with his harshest language yet.

Dean's prepared text included some of the harshest language he has used against the administration. He charged that the Bush team has "capitalized on domestic fears of terrorism for political gain," given "handouts" to industries that are "causing irreparable harm to our environment" and "shackled our children and grandchildren" with record budget deficits to enact his "reckless tax cuts." Those tax cuts, he said, "are "bankrupting the states and starving Social Security, Medicare and our public schools" and have gone to "the largest political contributors at the expense of today's middle class."

That is how you go after Bush. Are the rest of you Dems taking notes?

Well, Senator Edward Kennedy is taking notes. Watch his speech in the Senate yesterday, as he rips apart Bush's foreign policy for Iraq. (Realplayer required.)

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