"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

May 29, 2003

Note to Flag-Wavers: You're Not Getting It!

Rumsfeld's admission that Iraq may have destroyed its WMD before the invasion is creating quite a furor in Great Britain (but unfortunately not in the USA). KOS has a summary of it all. I think the main point is this:
"Alan Simpson, Labour MP for Nottingham South, said MPs "supported war based on a lie". He said: "If it's right Iraq destroyed the weapons prior to the war, then it means Iraq complied with the United Nations resolution 1441."
This is really the whole crux of the issue. Since the US cannot find any WMD they now say that they were destroyed before the invasion. If so, then the invasion was for nothing. Bush said the reason for our invasion was because Hussein wouldn't destroy his WMD, and now Bush says (via Rumsfeld) that maybe he did! Does anyone out there who is flying their american flag on their SUV see what's going on? Ask your 10-year-old to explain it to you. YOU"RE NOT GETTING IT!


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