"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

May 29, 2003

If Only This Could Happen

He says this change probably wouldn't apply to him, but it's nice to dream, no? Intro:
Clinton wants change in presidential term limits
Thursday, May 29, 2003 Posted: 1:21 AM EDT (0521 GMT) Clinton said he advocates changing the 22nd Amendment.
BOSTON, Massachusetts (Reuters) -- Former President Bill Clinton said Wednesday Congress should change the rule that barred him from seeking a third term in the White House, but stopped short of saying he wants to return as commander-in-chief. Speaking at the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum here, Clinton questioned certain aspects of the 22nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which prevents a person from being elected president more than twice. Clinton said the amendment, passed after Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected to a record fourth term, should be changed simply to keep a person from being elected to more than two consecutive terms as president.

"I think since people are living much longer ... the 22nd Amendment should probably be modified to say two consecutive terms instead of two terms for a lifetime," Clinton said. The former president said such a change probably wouldn't apply to him but would benefit future generations. "There may come a time when we elect a president at age 45 or 50, and then 20 years later the country comes up against the same kind of problems the president faced before," he said. "People would like to bring that man or woman back but they would have no way to do so."

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