"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

May 14, 2003

More on Our Bad Tax Cuts

NDOL gives one last cry for sanity before the Senate and House debate and finalize the new tax-cut budget: "But the bottom line should not be obscured: this debate is about the president's efforts to spend money we don't have on people who don't need it, in a way that is likely to hurt, not help, our economy." Snippet:
"It's increasingly clear that the GOP's tax cut drive is one of those three-cushion shots that White House political chief Karl Rove is so famous for. It allows the President and his party to look like they are trying to do something about the economy, while actually pursing two long-range Republican goals:

1. Paralyzing and then shrinking the federal government by deliberately engineering large federal budget deficits (the so-called "starve the beast" theory); and

2. Shifting the nation's tax burden from the wealthy to the middle class.

Both these dishonorable goals are being pursued in a dishonorable manner. The "starve the beast" approach to limiting the size of government is inherently deceptive and cowardly. Republicans who don't have the courage to propose cuts in popular federal programs -- or the intelligence to figure out how to reform programs to get more for less -- instead use the strategy of going on a national borrowing binge that will eventually force draconian cuts by future Congresses and future Administrations. And the GOP's assault on the principle of progressive taxation is being disguised as a tax cut rather than as a tax shift -- the shifting will occur down the road when taxpayers have to pay off the debts being run up to finance those tax cuts targeted to the wealthiest Americans.

It's up to Democrats to expose these deceptions, and to stop the implementation of these two profoundly destructive and irresponsible strategies."

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