"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

May 14, 2003

Is It Trash Day Yet?

From the Guardian: "The US military task force hunting for chemical, biological and nuclear weapons in Iraq is to leave within a month, having found no trace of any illegal weapons, according to a report yesterday. Troops with the 75th Exploitation Task Force, which has led the search for Saddam Hussein's banned weapons programme over the past seven weeks, say they are increasingly frustrated with their failure to find any banned weapons, the Washington Post said." "Of a US central command list of 19 top weapons sites, all but two have been searched already. Another 45 sites searched so far from a list of 68 thought to contain some evidence of banned weapons have also yielded nothing."

Please remind me again the reasons Bush gave for invading Iraq:

"Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised."

"The danger is clear: using chemical, biological or, one day, nuclear weapons, obtained with the help of Iraq, the terrorists could fulfill their stated ambitions and kill thousands or hundreds of thousands of innocent people in our country, or any other."

"The United States of America has the sovereign authority to use force in assuring its own national security. That duty falls to me, as Commander-in-Chief, by the oath I have sworn, by the oath I will keep."

Bush, you are personally responsible for the deaths and injuries of tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians, for the massive destruction of significant parts of their country, for the current increase in lawlessness, chaos and anarchy, and for the loss of large amounts of their cultural history. You are not only the least intelligent person ever to hold your office (not your fault), but also the cruelest, most savage, and pervasively evil to do so (definitely your fault). You single-handedly have brought shame to our once mighty nation and forced the rest of the world to despise us. You are currently doing everything within your ill-begotten power to steal hard-earned savings from the lower and middle class Americans and hand it on a silver platter to the wealthiest, in the guise of a economy-boosting and jobs-creating tax cut. And let's not forget your shameless drive to remove as many of our constitutional civil liberties as possible during your term in office.

For these reasons I hate you and every one of your cohorts. For these reasons, If I could, I would stuff you into a plastic bag and leave you next to the curb on trash day.

Otherwise, you've doing a super bang-up job!

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