"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

October 28, 2003

A moving piece today From The Bunker. Excerpt:

And while some, in the West, look on the Islamic world with skeptical derision, those of us who wish to see a more globalized communtiy can only hope that it will be allowed to evolve into a modern and humanist state that offers equal inclusion for women and a moderate approach to dissent. But it will be challenged to maintain the core of its value system while the technologized world wages its assault. For the West has made its religion in the practice of capitalism and free markets. Where each individual stands as one atomic particle, pitted in endless competition against the others. And the only faith left, the only true faith, resides in that omni-present, but ever undetected, invisible hand. And the notion of one unified community of interest is not fertile ground for the growth of the corporatist paradigm.

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