"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

October 06, 2008

Welcome to The Second Great Depression.

Brought to you by the Bush-Cheney Administration.

To be continued by the McCain-Palin Administration.

Now our kids won't have to read about that ancient one that took place 75 years ago. They'll have a recent one to learn about in school!

And isn't it fascinating that oil is becoming cheaper again (woohoo!) while fewer are able to afford it (uh oh).

Remember, y'all. Bush may have stolen the 2000 election, but enough of you dimwits voted for him, making the theft of the Presidency possible. Every single one of you fuckwads who voted for Bush in 2000 (and 2004) deserve everything that you get, and don't deserve to complain one bit. The rest of us? Well, I guess we're stupid for standing by, thinking our Democratic Senators and Congressmembers actually had the balls to do someithing about it.

This is becoming the most expensive economics lesson in history.

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