"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

June 24, 2008

Bits and Pieces for the Weeks of June 1 - 28

Sometimes it's easy to forget that our nation is still brimming with millions of racist, war-mongering imbeciles and that both we and they still have the constitutional right to print such trash. (Mike)

A Minneapolis District Court judge is trying to arrange for George Bush's arrest when he comes to town for the Republican convention. Well, good luck with that, I guess... (Mike)

I won't claim to understand every bit of this scenario, but it appears that the current econimic and market conditions are headed over a cliff. (Mike)

Are the stock and debt markets on the verge of crashing? Read two predictions here and here. (Mike)

MSNBC actually has an impeachment poll! You know what to do... (Mike)

Here are two subjects I never thought I'd see in the same headline: California Foreclosures Linked To West Nile Virus (Mike)

The classic sign that we're in a recession: increased Spam sales (Mike)

Say goodbye to these gorgeous gas-guzzlers. Most of them likely won't be for sale in a couple of years. (Mike)

Bush is negotiating a secret deal with Iraq that will undercut a Democratic White House's attempt to bring the war/occupation to an end in 2009. Fortunately the Iraqis "surprisingly" want U.S. troops out as part of the deal. (Mike)

If you have any ongoing financial concerns or savings with Downey Savings, you may want to seriously consider going elsewhere. It looks like Downey is close to total collapse. (Mike)

Such a deal! Buy one home, get one free. At least, if you can deal with the free one occasionally burning down. (Mike)

Wow. Over one million homes are currently in forclosure in the U.S. There's now a great buyers' market out there! Too bad Bush & Co. have financially fucked over so many Americans that there aren't enough buyers any more. (Mike)

This is really important and will take only a few minutes of your time. (Mike)

An unplanned benefit of same-sex marriages becoming legal in California (Mike)

OK, what's the caveat? "Australia ends combat mission in Iraq" Here it is: "But the Australians said several hundred other troops will remain in Iraq to act as security and headquarters liaisons and to guard diplomats. Australia also will leave behind two maritime surveillance aircraft and a warship to help patrol oil platforms in the Gulf." Oh, and a side note; one more American soldier died in Iraq. (7 of 6)

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