"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

May 08, 2008

Turkana over at The Left Coaster explains why Clinton supporters must look at the bigger picture when thinking about not voting for Obama (snippet):

"....It isn't necessary that those who support Clinton now enthusiastically come to support Obama, but it is necessary that they come to support him. Even at the bare minimum level. And that bare minimum level is to vote for him, in November. You don't have to like doing so, but you do have to do so. The alternative is unthinkable. Many of you like to think of yourselves as wiser and more politically astute than are many Obama supporters, and it is time to make that case for yourselves. Be as graceful in defeat as the worst of them have been graceless in victory. Obama himself, however imperfect, is a far better person than those who do such a terrific job of turning people away from him. Keep that in mind. Keep in mind the irrevocable damage that would be done by four more years of neocon/theocon/kleptocrat autocracy. And keep in mind that the often odious behavior you have seen from online Obama supporters is not the fault of the candidate himself."


Eric J. Burton said...

Maybe the Clinton Votes realized that Obama isn't a very good candidate but an empty suit and stands for nothing, an elite that is out of touch with the mainstream that is a friend to terroists and hate mongers like Paster Wright. Hillary is a formidable candidate.

Seven of Six said...

Maybe the Clinton Votes realized that Obama isn't a very good candidate but an empty suit and stands for nothing, an elite that is out of touch with the mainstream that is a friend to terroists and hate mongers like Paster Wright.

Oh, and I've heard he's a Muslim as well. Bonehead!

He whipped Hillary... what does that make Hillary... incompetent?

Eric J. Burton said...

resort to name calling when you have lost.

Seven of Six said...

resort to name calling when you have lost.

"The chickens coming home to roost!"

LeftIsRight said...

Now now, men. Let's look at the bigger picture here: my butt is itching like hell and I'm gonna have to start scratching it any minute now. Seriously, if Hillary had just made a couple of better choices about who she had run her campaign, the roles would be reversed right now and everyone would be mad as hell that Obama hadn't dropped out yet. They're both good candidates and only one can win. The only other option, McCain, can't measure up to either of them.

Seven of Six said...

Aha! Something new, a Hillary supporter acting as a moderator... that is new to me! ;)

And I agree with you Mike... if she would have just put Obama away on Super Tuesday we wouldn't have to have this discussion.

Of course if you hang out at TLC like me, most Hillary supporters will not even vote for Obama... they prefer McShame! Which I find unconsciousable!

I don't see how they can think the U.S. can survive another 4 years.

I had to laugh at SNL, when I heard the plan was for Hillary supporters to not support Obama, then she will win the election in 2012.

I'm not that passionate about Obama, I just think of Hillary's negatives... like staying in a campaign too long. Oh, and Mark Penn...

Go Laker's, congrats Kobe!

Mike said...

Any Hillary or Barack supporters who say that they'd rather vote for McCain than the other Democrat are truly ignorant and/or too lazy to spend any time finding out about any of the candidates. These are the selfish people who would rather use their tiny bit of voting power to make a personal point at the jeopardy of the nation than be objective and compassionate towards their fellow countrymen. I find these people to be despicable and undeserving of the right to vote. They really make my blood boil.

Seven of Six said...

Hey, I hope you don't mind, I quoted you over in one of Turkana's thread. It's the one with over 90 comments.

I want to see the Hillary screamer's go nuts!

Yes, I'm evil. I really think a bunch of them are republi-con trolls, trying to instigate shit.

Eric J. Burton said...

Seven of Six we can put you in the camp of agreeing with Obama's nutty racist minister?

Mike your comments are why Obama is resonating with a lot of people in the USA. A lot of us will never vote for obama because of his elitist views and comments like that. So we have DemocRATS and Republicons. There won't be any healing after this election.

Mike said...

Someone, who's name rhymes with "loon", is exactly the kind of person I was describing.

Seven of Six said...

Seven of Six we can put you in the camp of agreeing with Obama's nutty racist minister?