"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

September 15, 2007

Bits and Pieces for the Week of September 9 - 15

Oh, great. Now every time I get a pain in my knee, I'm going to freak out. (Mike)

This is likely the greatest invention of the decade. (Mike)

Hilarious! "You know something is wrong when the New England Patriots face stiffer penalties for spying on innocent Americans than Dick Cheney and George Bush." - Bill Richardson. (7 of 6)

If Bush/Cheney haven't already maimed/killed your spouse/son/daughter/brother/sister serving in Iraq, get ready for a frontal assault on your personal finances. (Mike)

Gotta love them UC Berkeley "Tree Huggers". (7 of 6)

Jeebus Creebus, I never thought I'd link to an op/ed piece in my local conservative rag, the L.A. Times, but apparently they have stopped drinking the koolaid?! (Mike)

Two of the Non-Commissioned (NCO's) soldiers from the 82nd Airborne Division who wrote the N.Y. Times Op-Ed died in an vehicle rollover accident in Iraq. One shot in the head, (expected to live), 2 dead in an accident. I hope the remaining 4 (as with all) make it out safe and in one piece! (7 of 6)

While all the hullabaloo is going on in Washington... nine more soldiers were killed in Iraq. But, "We're kicking ass!" (7 of 6)

"The Pentagon is preparing to build a military base near the Iraq-Iran border..." EXCUSE ME!? WTF, I thought the American people want us to get the hell out of there! And now we are building another, new base! *shakes head in disbelief* (7 of 6)

Comprehensive and noteworthy speech by John Edwards (Mike)

The US will provide security for an Iraqi Oil venture, yet ignore the security it takes for purifying water. Now, in southern Iraq, cholera is breaking out as well. But let's have the republi-con narrative push that security has been achieved on the ground. We can't even protect infrastructure workers, let alone add chlorine to water treatment plants to protect the health of Iraqis. Oh yeah, "We're kicking ass!" (7 of 6)


Unknown said...

"Comprehensive and noteworthy speech by John Edwards"

ROTFLMAO!!!! Now that's entertainment!


The left are not the only ones opposed to the war.

Most good Nationalists are too.

Canadian Regards,