"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

August 07, 2007

V.A. Doctor Speaking Out

Once again, Larry Scott, has the skinny on what is happening in bu$h'$ V.A. system...

It's a story with a familiar ring. Veterans fight for our country and then are denied benefits they feel they deserve. Now -- an insider is speaking out about the practices of the Veterans Administration in Nevada...

"The practical effect is if you come back from a war where you have been either psychologically or physically injured, you will probably be turned down for what the law says what kind of benefits you deserve," Dr. Zielinski told the I-Team. Dr. Zielinski spoke to the I-Team without official approval and says his superiors have urged him to keep quiet about his concerns. "The V.A. has turned out to be like a corporation. It is a business. It is no longer serving the needs of the veteran," Dr. Zielinski alleges.

For veteran Steve Leong, he's left questioning his country's commitment to him and all veterans in similar circumstances. "I feel my country let me down. I have an agreement with my country. I go to war; I protect our country. If I need help when I get out of it, the V.A. says they will help us. OK, now I need the help. 'No, we are not going help you. We are denying your benefits.' So that's a slap in the face to me, that's what it is. It is not right," Leong said.

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