"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

February 09, 2007

Ran into this nice description of the differences between ethics and morals:

Morals and the expression, “moral values” are generally associated with a personal view of values. Personal morals tend to reflect beliefs relating to sex, drinking, gambling, etc. They can reflect the influence of religion, culture, family and friends.

Ethics is concerned with how a moral person should behave. Ethical values are beliefs concerning what is morally right and proper as opposed to what is simply correct or effective.

i.e. An individual may personally believe that drinking is immoral. However, drinking is not, in and of itself, unethical. Further, it is unethical to impose your personal moral values on another.

Ethical values transcend cultural, religious, or ethnic differences. Ethical values embrace a more universal worldview. The Josephson Institute of Ethics recommends six, core ethical values to abide by: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship.

Whether the circumstance is business or life, ethical values should be ground-rules for behavior. When we live by these values we are demonstrating that we are worthy of trust.

In “What Do You Stand For?”, former New Jersey Governor Christie Whitman talks about stopping short of being sworn-in as governor when it was discovered that her campaign manager had spread false information that her victory was made possible by bribing local religious leaders. Whitman took the ethical stand that she would delay her inauguration until a thorough investigation into the matter was complete. The investigation proved her innocent of any voter fraud.

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