"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

December 03, 2006

"The Highjacking Of A Nation", continued...

In Part 1: The Foreign Agent Factor, Sibel Edmonds is convincing in her article that the security of our nation is secondary when it comes to the soliciting of foreign influence.

Part 2: The Auctioning of Former Statesmen & Dime a Dozen Generals, Edmonds starts by erasing the notion that the Mainstream Media is the 4th estate. However, she leaves the option open that the press is indeed the fifth estate:

"It used to be the three branches - congress, the executive, and the courts - that we considered the make-up of our nation's federal government. And some would point to the press as a possible fourth branch, due to the virtue of its influence in shaping our policies. Today, more and more people have come to view corporate and foreign lobby firms, with their preponderant clout and enormous power, as the official fourth branch or our nation's government. Not only do I agree with them, I would even take it a step further and give it a higher status it certainly deserves.

"Operating invisibly under the radar of media and public scrutiny, lobby groups and foreign agents have become the 'epicenter' of our government, where former statesmen and 'dime a dozen generals' cash in on their connections and peddle their enormous influence to the highest bidders turned clients. These groups' activities shape our nation's policies and determine the direction of the flow of its taxpayer driven wealth, while to them the interests of the majority are considered irrelevant, and the security of the nation is perceived as inconsequential."

She puts her final analysis of Part 1 in perspective while tying it together in Part 2:

"I used Saudi influence via its lobby and foreign agents by default as a case to illustrate how certain foreign interests, combined with their U.S. agents and benefactors, override the interests and security of the entire nation. This illustrative model case involved three major elements: the purchasing of a few 'dime a dozen generals,' bidding high in the auctioning of 'former statesmen,' and buying one or two ex-congressmen turned lobbyists. In addition, the piece emphasized the importance of the "Military Industrial Complex (MIC)," which became a de facto 'foreign agent' by the universally recognized principle of 'mutual benefit.'"

Edmonds exposes the names and intricate web that ties a former Secretary of Defense, a former Undersecretary in the State Department, former congressmen and retired Generals to the Military Industrial Complex (MIC), lobby groups and the countries of their representation! She illustrates how our government bows to the interests of a few major allies and their lobby groups who, incidentally, are in a round about way supporting the very terrorist activities that we are supposed to be fighting!

"We all know of our president's 'selective evilization' of countries that have been 'chosen' to be on our hit list. But how many of us know of our government's 'selective go free cards' that have been issued to those 'ally countries' that directly fund and support the terrorist networks? In fact, our government would rather move heaven and earth, gag 'whistleblowers' with direct knowledge of these facts, classify congressional and other investigative reports, create a media black-out on these 'allies' terrorist supporting activities, than do the right thing; do what it really takes to counter terrorism."

Like she did in Part 1 she asks the American public the hard questions!

"We are proud of the large turnout at the ballot box for the midterm elections a few weeks ago; a sign of participatory citizenship. Perhaps we'll be repeating this phenomenon, if not increasing it, for the presidential elections in two years; another means to demonstrate our 'democratic government process in action' for badly needed change. But who really runs our country? Who really shapes our public policies and determines the flow of our hard-earned tax money entrusted to our government? If you had the patience to go through this article, which sheds light on only a fragment of what really takes place behind our backs, within the halls of our government, in all three branches, you would start questioning your significance as a voter and taxpayer, and you would begin wondering whether you are governed by who you think you are. "

She concludes Part 2 by saying:

"The foreign influence, the lobbyists, the current highly positioned civil servants who are determined future 'wanna be' lobbyists, and the fat cats of the Military Industrial Complex, operate successfully under the radar, with unlimited reach and power, with no scrutiny, while selling your interests, benefiting from your tax money, and serving the highest bidders regardless of what or who they may be. This deep state seems to operate at all levels of our government; from the President's office to Congress, from the military quarters to the civil servants' offices. Let's let Marcus Cicero's timeless warning from over two thousand years ago put the finishing touch on this article:

"'A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murder[er] is less to fear.'- - Marcus Tullius Cicero"

As Americans, we have to stop the former bureaucrats, politicians and retired Generals from being able to perpetuate continual warfare in order to line their pocketbooks! We have to stop them from chairing boards of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) while working for their own lobby groups, and while working for the interest of foreign nations.

These men and women have no interest in human life, let alone the interest of the taxpayer or soldier. They only know the almighty dollar! They are the true scum of the earth!

Seven of Six, crossposted at Low and Left

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