"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

December 09, 2005

Part of the Problem

Steve Soto nicely and justifiably gives beltway Democrats their fair share of the blame (snippets):

....But Bush isn’t the problem. He’s never been the problem. The problem has always been the Vichy Democrats. The ones as incapable of speaking the truth as Bush is. The wimps, the ignoramuses and/or liberal war hawks. The same ones that voted for the IWR, Patriot Act and the bankruptcy bill. The ones that weren’t out front and center forewarning that Bush’s tax cuts would cause the National Debt to mushroom and never shut up as it did. They are still the problem (and I don’t mean DINO Lieberman who at least has been honest about loving this war from the beginning to this day).

....Remaining in Iraq is the only thing worse than moving our butts to Kuwait. What the hell would we be waiting in Kuwait for? To rush back in if a full blown civil war ensues? Why would we want to give Iraqis a common enemy again? Cooling our heels in Kuwait may be palatable to Americans but that’s only because we are in denial. Denial that we broke it, can’t fix it or buy it (at least not at a price we’re willing to pay). A denial that is encouraged by the Vichy Democrats like Kerry who only yesterday said, “I learned thirty years ago that we must ask the toughest questions of all when our troops are in harm’s way.” No, John, we must ask the toughest questions of all before our troops are in harm’s way. You, John, are part of the problem and therefore, not part of the solution. (And you still sound like a clueless pompous ass.)

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