"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

December 07, 2005

Groping for Compassion

Mike Farrell examines capital punishment in the light of the pending execution of Tookie Williams next week (snippet):

"....This, then, is the stark choice presented all of us Californians in the person of our elected leader, Gov. Schwarzenegger: Does he approve the killing of a man who has become a force for good in our society, a man to whom the young look for guidance? Thumb up or thumb down?

The governor says he is “dreading” the decision, but that’s the burden of leadership. And as the countdown continues, the pressure intensifies. Late in November, Virginia’s Gov. Mark Warner reawakened mercy in America by defying political wisdom and granting executive clemency to Robin Lovitt, who had been slated to be the 1,000th person executed in the United States since capital punishment resumed 28 years ago. (That milestone was reached last Friday when North Carolina executed double-murderer Kenneth Boyd.)

So once again the spotlight is on Schwarzenegger. Acting for us, does he play the status-quo politician, washing his hands like Pilate and letting the ax fall? Or does he affirm the human capacity for transformation, at once reinforcing the meaning of hope for young people and opening the door of possibility to Americans who hunger for a shaft of light in a bleak time?"

Here we have a chance for Groperzeneger to actually do something humane for the first time in his life: show others that, if you truly rehabilitate yourself in prison, society may supercede the sentence and give you a second chance rather than snuff you out.

Come on, Kindergarten Cop, show us that you do have a soul, rather than just trying to act like it.

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