"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

September 01, 2005

Welcome to Lake George

"Washington knew that this day could come at any time, and it knew the things that needed to be done to protect the citizens of New Orleans. But in the tradition of the riverboat gambler, the Bush administration decided to roll the dice on its fool's errand in Iraq, and on a tax cut that mainly benefitted the rich. Now Bush has lost that gamble, big time.

"The president told us that we needed to fight in Iraq to save lives here at home. Yet -- after moving billions of domestic dollars to the Persian Gulf -- there are bodies floating through the streets of Louisiana. What does George W. Bush have to say for himself now?" - - - Will Bunch

What does Bush have to say? How about: "We will not rest until victory is America's and our freedom is secure".

Yep. Our leader has totally lost it. And thousands have lost it... have lost their lives in New Orleans. And in Iraq. And in Africa (AIDS). And in Afghanistan. Right now Bush is the biggest living murderer on the planet.

Who will stop him? The leaders of the Democratic Party, who are bought, lock, stock and barrel, by the same corporations who own the Bush Administration? By the voters who can't get their votes counted? By anti-war marches twice a year in cities?

No. Only a revolution will stop him.

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