"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

September 06, 2005

To the Readers of the Los Cerritos Community News

If you've come here after reading the article in the LCCN about my trip to Crawford, Texas a couple of weeks ago, welcome and thanks for visiting!

Demographically our city leans slightly toward the politically conservative side, yet I know that we are also an enlightened community that knows and supports the value of free speech.

Whether or not you agree with my comments in the newspaper article or the posts in this blog, I encourage you to leave your comments here about why you do not or, in particular, why you do support the Bush Administration's current Iraq policy of "Stay the Course". I am very interested in understanding the feelings of our Cerritos neighbors about a war and occupation that I consider devastating.

Please keep your comments short, as the comments window will cut your comments off after a couple dozen lines. If you would like, you can email me your more extensive comments (see rotating EMAIL icon about five pages down the left sidebar), and I might even post any especially provocative ones (unless you specify otherwise).

If we are to survive these unusually polarizing and turbulent times, then we must be willing to discuss, understand and tolerate our differences.

Thanks again for coming!

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