"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

August 03, 2005

Who's Really the Hypocrite?

Here is Bush's war: being the ultimate in "no big deal". The schedule? Late March 2003, invade Iraq and hold flower parade in Baghdad; May 1st, 2003, Mission Accomplished. It was to be a very short war with no one in American inconvenienced much. Such a simple little war that it is okay to cut taxes for the rich. And because everything was going so swimmingly, no one needed to pay for the fun affair according to Bush. And even now when the situation is immeasurably worse and no one could in their right mind could believe "Mission Accomplished" today, no one is being asked to pony up some extra bucks to pay for this war. Yet, Bush still expects to make the temporary tax cuts permanent, because he believes that no one today should pay for the war.

So who is paying? The troops. And those suckers who still expect to be paying taxes because that is what citizens do, except when we can sluff those payments off to our children and grandchildren because, after all, someone has to pay. Obviously, our descendents forgot to get a lobbyist to make their case when Bush was handing out the goodies. And too bad people are still dying in Bush's war. Our soldiers are still paying for Bush's war, and the people of Iraq are still paying for his incompetence in running this war. But never fear, someone, somewhere is getting immeasurably rich from Bush's war and they will be eternally grateful to Bush." - - - Mary in The Left Coaster

We and our decendents will pay those higher taxes because we will never learn, as a nation, how to force our government to do a real budget based on real costs and real needs. We just really don't care enough.

As the Bush-war Administration carelessly, and I mean carelessly, throws OUR money and lives out the window, financing the very wealthy corporations with tax breaks and outright giveaways, aggressively reducing the taxes on the wealthy and shoving the exploding deficit and religious terror onto the rest of us and our kids, we just lay down trance-like on our beds of nails, legs spread w-i-d-e open, begging Bush-war to shove even more of his vile, corrupt essence up our sore and bleeding asses.

What on earth is wrong with us? We get pissed when the overworked $5/hr clerk at the 99 Cent Store is less than delightfully friendly with us, yet here is a group of beyond-corrupt gang of very wealthy criminals doing everything they possibly can to ruin nearly everyone's lives, apparently with our blessings, and we just shrug our shoulders and say, "Hey, that's wrong! Oh well..."??

Make no bones about it. We know how to complain. We know how to point out the same wrong-doings of our government a thousand different, charming and entertaining ways. We know how to march and demonstrate and point out the fallacies of our christian-right-wing acquaintances and adversaries. We know right from wrong. And we know that we are right and they are wrong.

And yet, we do nothing about it. And that is wrong. We are the hypocrites, not those we put into power.

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