"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

August 02, 2005

Pelosi, Just Shut Up For A Change

I received this message today from our congressional minority leader, Pelosi (snippet):

Dear Michael,

Yesterday we saw the spectacle that is Republican abuse of power in all its glory. The White House brushed aside the Senate once again, along with its duty to advise and consent, using a recess appointment to make John Bolton our U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.

It is only fitting that John Bolton, a man who arguably personifies the arrogance and abuse of power that has become so typical of Republican rule, be appointed in such a stubborn and shameless manner. President Bush did so--not because there was a compelling case that Mr. Bolton was the best person for the job--but merely because as President, he had the power to do it....

Well, no, Ms. Pelosi.

The reason that Bush continues abusing his power is because you goddam wimp-ass elected faux Democrats continue to try to please those whom you think you need: moderate Republicans and corporations. I and the rest of the Democratic voters in America have watched, year-after-year, as you put up your token opposition to the Republican policies, only to step aside each time at the last minute to let the Neocon Steamroller continue on it's merry way. My pet rock has more balls than you Congressional Democrats.

Stop bending over backwards trying to please this wealthy, but ultimately irrelevant, group. Start standing up for the rest of us Americans who value morals and ethics and accountability and responsibility and justice, and maybe you'll start seeing our support and money. Until then, please shut the fuck up and try representing our interests for a change. You can leave the complaining to us, the ones actually adversely affected by the bad voting decisions you and your "Democratic" colleagues CONTINUE to make.

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