"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

August 02, 2005

Forget Criminals. Look Out For Transgenders!

Dennis Prager, on the horror of transgenders (snippet):

...."God created the human being, male and female He created them" is how Genesis describes the creation of man and woman. Blurring that distinction is playing God, and doing so in a highly destructive manner.

If a man gets a sexual thrill out of wearing women's undergarments in the privacy of his bedroom, that is not society's concern. It may be his religion's concern, and, religious or not, it may be his female partner's concern (one wonders how many women married to cross dressing men are pleased by the sight of their man in a bra and panties). But it is not society's concern, which is why anyone who cares about protecting the right to privacy should have been horrified by the American news media's reporting about the private cross-dressing habits of a nationally known sportscaster.

However, when a man does this in public, he has publicly blurred the man-woman distinction, and society has the right -- and the duty, if it cares about Judeo-Christian values or simply cares about not confusing children as to sexual identity -- to say this violates a norm that society does not wish violated.

The war waged by cultural radicals at universities, in state legislatures and in courtrooms against the very distinction between male and female is one of their most significant attempts to undo the Judeo-Christian foundations of American and Western culture. And they know it. That's why fighting to blur gender distinctions is so important to them.

Now the rest of society needs to understand why not allowing that to happen is so important.

Let me check my calender.... Yup, we ARE living in the 21st century. Hard to tell when you come across this medieval idiocy.

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