"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

July 20, 2005

When a "Right" Choice is a Wrong Choice

Bush's nomination of Roberts to replace O'Connor on the U.S. Supreme Court will have profoundly negative consequences for American women, as purported by Juan Cole:

George W. Bush's nomination of John Roberts, Jr. is a setback for American women, just has his policies in Iraq have produced a setback for women's rights in the Arab world. Indeed, Bush has been bad for women all around the globe.

By nominating a man, Bush reduced the number of women on the Supreme Court. Sandra Day O'Connor is no progressive, but she knew what it was like to be locked out of the Old Boys Club, and she ruled in favor of women's issues like affirmative action and reproductive rights. Her feisty independence even led her to say that the Federal government had no business telling Californians they couldn't use marijuana for medical purposes.

She is being replaced by a man who has no sympathy for any of the things she stood for. In particular, he wants to have men dictate to women whether they will carry to term babies that men impregnate them with. If abortion ends up being outlawed altogether, it will mean that rapists can in essence force their victims to bear their babies. In short, the more absolute forms of anti-reproductive rights philosophy is an active ally of these men against women (the daughters, nieces, wives and mothers of men).

Roberts sounds like a nice guy when he speaks. Look out for his ultra-right wing decisions and opinions, of which you'll be hearing a lot in the coming weeks.

LEFT is RIGHT's advice to Democratic Senators: Just Say No.

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