"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

July 27, 2005

Risk Your Life, Then Risk Your Livelihood

Thinking of joining the military to go spread American Christian Democracy to Iraq and all those other countries patiently standing in the reception line for their turn? Well, you might want to read this report first. It is a study done by the Army to investigate how well injured soldiers are getting their much-deserved pay. The findings (excerpted):

Wounded Soldier Pay Support: Management Deficiencies During Operation Iraqi Freedom

The Army lacks an effective means of tracking and reporting dates of hospitalization for wounded and injured soldiers.

The complexity of the laws and regulations governing military pay is a significant obstacle to delivering accurate and timely pay to soldiers.

The Army has not provided an adequate number of military pay clerks to support the considerable amount of wounded and injured soldiers returning from Operation Iraqi freedom.

Be sure to read the entire PDF-formatted report. It details examples that support each of the points above. It also makes recommendations to the Departments of the Army and Defense, the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, and to the U.S. Congress, on how to clean up the financial mess that is affecting tens of thousands of our soldiers.

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