"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

July 12, 2005

The Left Coaster says that maybe we finally can stop being cynical about the White House press corps:

Many of you are justified for being cynical that this [Rove-gate] means anything at all, after watching how this team has cowed the media for the last four years. But this attitude change is significant because the issue of credibility has been put front and center by the White House press corps, the people who get massaged by this team every day, and who are willing accomplices in the messaging. These aren't the pundits or Democratic activists doing the trashing, its part of the message machine itself: the day to day water carriers inside the press room. And it is significant for another reason: the Rove-Plame story is really only a small part of what is about to unravel, namely the other larger activities of this crew that trampled on national security through a flouting of the espionage laws of this country. And if the media is already on the attack for being lied to on just this part of the overall story, then they will be much more receptive when any bigger stories come out subsequent to this one.

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