"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

July 08, 2005

I sense that Bush's invasion of Iraq, now coupled with the recent success of the retaliatory bombings in London, have likely increased the motivation of Islamic militant extremists to visit the U.S. and blow up more of us. Bush should just abandon his buddies' Iraq dreams and bring the soldiers back home to guard us. What's more important, the American people or the Iraq oil fields? (Well, of course the American people are more imp..... Oh, wait, I forgot. As far as the Neocons are concerned, it's definitely not us. Unless we're missing half our brains and on feeding tubes, or are undifferentiated stem cells.) (Now that I think about it, the Republican Right do act like they have half a brain, so maybe that's why Bush kowtows to them and... Oh, never mind.)

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