"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

June 30, 2005

A recent Zogby Poll noted the following:

..A large majority of Democrats (59%) say they agree that the President should be impeached if he lied about Iraq, while just three-in-ten (30%) disagree. Among President Bush’s fellow Republicans, a full one-in-four (25%) indicate they would favor impeaching the President under these circumstances, while seven-in-ten (70%) do not. Independents are more closely divided, with 43% favoring impeachment and 49% opposed...

So, basically most Republicans are okay with someone committing pretty much the most heinous crime possible (starting a war under false pretenses). Yet they have no problem with the killing of a doctor who aborts a 3-month embryo. Wow. I'm beginning to come to the realization that, except for fertilized eggs, embryos, young fetuses and brain-dead adults, killing fellow humans is just one fine dandy thing to add to your daily to-do list. Republicans are totally against killing you unless you are able to think for yourself, in which case you are then fair game for their trigger-happy behavior.

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