"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

March 17, 2005

Women Are Very Much Not Alike

From the L.A. Times (reg. req.):

By Robert Lee Hotz, Times Staff Writer

Scientists have found genetic evidence for what some men have long suspected: It is dangerous to make assumptions about women. The key is the X chromosome, the feminine sex chromosome that all men and women have in common.

In a study published today in the journal Nature, scientists said they had found an unexpectedly large genetic variation on the X chromosome among women. The findings were published in conjunction with the first comprehensive decoding of the chromosome, which appeared in the same journal.

Females can differ from each other almost as much as they do from males in the behavior of many genes at the heart of sexual identity, researchers said. "Literally every one of the females we looked at had a different genetic story," said Duke University genetics expert Huntington Willard, who co-wrote the study. "It is not just a little bit of variation."

The analysis also found that the obsessively debated differences between men and women were, at least on the genetic level, even greater than previously thought....

Trust me, ladies, this is something men have always known.

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