"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

March 20, 2005

"We need to remind ourselves of the function journalists are supposed to serve. We are the surrogates of the people. The people cannot be in the chambers of the judiciary, the halls of Congress, or the offices of the executive branch -- all those people won't fit and they couldn't be in all three simultaneously.

Though not elected by you at the polls -- yet chosen by you when you buy a paper or tune in a program -- we are supposed to be your eyes and ears. You're too busy living your lives and can't be watching what the politicians are doing. We're supposed to do that for you.

Many people don't seem to understand this. They believe freedom of the press is some freedom enjoyed only by the press. No, it's actually the people's freedom to get the news from whomever and wherever they want."
- - - Bob Edwards, a host for XM Satellite Radio and former host of NPR's Morning Edition.

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