"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

March 11, 2005

Time to update my resume and passport and surf foreign consulates

These are the Democratic/Independent Senators who voted for passage of the Bankruptcy bill yesterday:

Joe Biden (D-Delaware) Commander-in-Chief
Tom Carper (D-Delaware) Captain
Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska)
Tim Johnson (D-South Dakota)
Max Baucus (D-Montana)
Evan Bayh (D-Indiana)
Jeff Bingaman (D-New Mexico)
Robert Byrd (D-West Virginia)
Kent "the Kernel" Conrad (D-North Dakota)
Dan Inouye (D-Hawaii)
Jim Jeffords (I-Vermont)
Herb Kohl (D-Wisconsin)
Mary Landrieu (D-Louisiana)
Blanche Lincoln (D-Arkansas)
Bill Nelson (D-Florida)
Mark Pryor (D-Arkansas)
Harry Reid (D-Nevada) [minority leader]
Ken Salazar (D-Colorado)
Debbie Stabenow (D-Michigan)

These people are traitors to the Democratic Party.

So, let's see:

- Democratic Leadership owned by corporate special interests (see above)
- Neverending $100B/year war in Iraq
- Reduced civil liberties via Patriot Act
- Bankruptcy laws stiffened for working people, relaxed for corporations
- Federal deficit fueling impending collapse of the dollar
- American citizens no longer respected around the world
- Oil/gasoline prices on verge of spiraling up permanently
- Tort reform laws reduce citizens' recourse for legal compensation
- FCC continues support of reduction in independent media
- Regulations controlling environmental polluters relaxed
- Public Education simultaneously becoming costlier and of lower quality
- U.S. transportation infrastructure crumbling
- U.S. military sucking up funds for social programs
- Tax rates increasing for lower/middle class, decreasing for upper class
- I could go on all day, but you get the picture...

What happened to my country?? It must be time to look for another.

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