"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

March 24, 2005

Scratches in the Teflon

Leftcoaster on the political fallout currently besieging the Bush-war Administration and Congress due to the Schiavo fiasco (snippet):

....For years, those of us on the center-left have been wondering why it is that Bush retains his Teflon when there has been (seemingly to us) a string of outrage-inducing events perpetrated by this cabal. We have wondered why the cult has continually rewarded Bush with their love and blind Stepford-like support while they were being pandered to on their pet moral issues and saw their economic prospects diminish. Now along comes an issue out of the blue that no one but the most politically craven right-wingers and Rove saw coming, and it is grossly misplayed into an event that even appalls the GOP and their evangelical base. What kind of political justice would it be if it was something like this that led to the first crack in the wall?

And when do Democrats take advantage of this misstep, not on the moral issue involved, but on the more defensible issue of congressional and presidential priorities? I suspect that it would be a powerful argument in next year's midterms for Democrats to remind voters what can happen when one party control leads both Congress and the White House to spend time inserting itself on issues like this while ignoring more important issues to the nation.

Yes, Democratic Pary "leadership", exactly when and where are you going to pull your spines and balls out of the freezer and start using them?

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