"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

March 08, 2005

Progressives and Regressives

by Charlie Ara, President Emeritus, Hubert Humphrey Democratic Club

When John Kerry received the Democratic nomination for President, Republicans immediately labeled him as a New England Liberal. Over the years, Republicans have demonized the word liberal to mean something evil to be avoided.

Because of the public mind set about the word liberal, maybe we Democrats ought to call ourselves what we have been historically; namely, progressive. Republicans on the other hand ought to be referred to as what they are now becoming; namely,

Democrats are progressive because they have always been on the cutting edge of progress. It was democrats who led the way to Social Security, Medicare, civil rights, voting rights, a living wage, a woman’s right to choose and working families’ right to form and join unions. Republicans are regressive because they want to turn back the clock on civil liberties, Social Security, immigrant rights and a host of other progressive programs. In addition, Republicans are regressive when they widen the gap between the rich and the poor.

Again, all this is especially true when we look at the first amendment regarding the separation of church and state. Republicans are regressive in their attempt to turn back the clock on religious freedom and diversity of belief. Republicans are regressive when they try to make particular sectarian beliefs to become the laws of the land.

Perhaps we can make the new labels stick. I and other Democrats are proud to be called progressive Democrats. Republicans, like it or not, are the Party of Regression and we will be referring to them as regressives.

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