"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

March 21, 2005

On Republicans calling Schiavo to testify before Congress

Hunter, at Daily Kos, rages about Congress's actions regarding Terri Schaivo (snippet):

...You know what? Subpoena her. You called it, DeLay, Frist -- unless you're the biggest fucking cowards on Capital Hill (a pretty safe bet, ain't it?) I want you to haul that soulless body that used to be Terri Schaivo up to Washington, prop her the hell up in front of a microphone, tape a goddamn American Flag to her forehead and ask her your fucking, shit-headed questions.

She won't answer. Guess Why?

Because She. Has. No. Brain. Left. She is brain-dead. She is worse than brain-dead, because her brain died so long ago that there's nothing but fluid-filled holes in much of it. Yeah, you can still dress her up in pretty clothes and coo, if you're a sick fucking bastard. I think you're a fucking necrophile, but that seems to be a central tenet of modern Republicanism, so what the hell?

So subpoena her. Bring. It. The. Fuck. On. You. Goddamn. Constitution-Fucking. Cowards.

If she is even remotely still alive inside there, if she does have the consciousness that every doctor and every court that examined her say there's no fucking way she could have with a hollowed-out brain, then she has been essentially buried alive, all these years, unable to talk or even move, her very skin her own coffin, rotting in a hospital bed while nurses tend to her like a potted plant.

So I'm sure she won't mind staying that way a little while longer while you drag her out of that bed and prop her up in front of the whole world on national television. Her pain is your gain.

Never the fuck mind that she said that she didn't want to live like that. Never the fuck mind that every damn court that has heard the case has upheld her husband as her guardian, and confirmed her wishes.

So screw basic human decency, screw the sanctity of marriage, you get to act compassionate to a brain-dead woman who, best case scenario, you insist on torturing like a stray kitten.

Screw the basic principles of the constitution that say you can't make a law tailored to fuck with the rights of one particular person -- her husband, trying to carry out her wishes -- and no-one else. Anyone taking bets on whether Tom "I-Like-Illegal-Extortion" DeLay has ever actually read the Constitution?

Screw the black infant who had the plug pulled on him against his own mother's wishes, because he was going to die anyway and hospital care is expensive, ka-fucking-ching. Yeah, you were falling all over your pasty-white selves trying to bring that kid and his mother up to Washington, weren't you?

Screw all the soldiers who now can't get decent treatment for their own freedom-induced massive head injuries because you zeroed the damn budget for it.

What-the-hell-ever. Being a Republican means you tool up to Capital Hill on a moment's notice, and you can make any fucking law you want, against any goddamn person you want, and the President will even fly the hell up from his craphole of a fake ranch, designer boots still a-jingling, in order to get in on the photo op while you take a giant, Republican-sized dump on whatever paragraph of the Constitution you think looked at ya funny this week....

Hell hath no fury like the raging lunacy currently rampant in the halls of Congress and the White House.

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