"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

March 15, 2005

Human Growth Factor

Tim at Democratic Left Infoasis found a nice article by Stan Cox who explains why Bill Moyers' rationale for blaming Christian Fundamentalists, who are currently in power, for our planet's woes just doesn't go far enough; we also need to consider the the concepts of capitalism and growth (snippet):

....But, of course, we do have a problem. We have no infinite piles of the stuff (even the renewable stuff) that's needed to turn money into more money. There's a rule that no species can increase its resource exploitation infinitely, and Homo sapiens has not been granted a waiver . Fossil fuels, soil, salmon, and healthy ecosystems are real, and the rules that apply to money -- which is no more real than 'Monopoly' money -- don't apply on planet Earth....

Are we going to overrun the planet's resources and wipe ourselves out in the process? I'm not sure... Bush-war appears to have his population/growth-control solutions: killing us off with un(der) regulated environmental protection laws, continuous war/mass murder, pricing us out of health care, inadequate financial support for treating world health epidemics (e.g. AIDS), support of murderous regimes, depleted uranium, and support of global terrorism through a faux war on its instigators. That's right, President George W. Bush-war, saviour of our species.

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