"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

February 23, 2005

On Crazy Gays and Whiners

Steve Gilliard give a case for liberals to stop whining:

....The question you have to ask is this: do you think Bush is right or not. I don't mean, right about an issue, but right in his idea of the Americans he won't talk to.

I don't and I don't think you should either.


Because Bush's support outside his hard core is an inch deep. Kerry came close, but he didn't make the case to enough people . It's not about sheep or stupidity, but belief. People want to believe Bush stands with them, even when he doesn't. He's a human Rorschact test. People believe he's for Kyoto and the environment. Wny? Because they assume he likes what they like. They do not want to believe that he would wage a pointless war, that he is as reckless as he is. But that is not my concern. What we have to do is both fight back, and tell people what we believe, and stop fucking whining. No one likes a whiner. Either you want to do something or not, and if it's not, please keep it to yourself.

Look, most of the people who read this blog will do fine regardless of who sits in the White House, they may not like it, but for the most part, their lives will not hang by what is done in Congress. But there are other people who will not. There are people who will starve if Bush has his way. We're not really fighting for ourselves for the most part. We are fighting for both our ideals and those who cannot fight, who are trying to get through the day in one piece.

Bush is a bad president and miserable leader, but he and his cronies can and will be stopped. He barely won reelection and we got Howard Dean past the Washington Dems in a way they had to accept, whether they liked it or not. And if you think it's too hard to struggle, let me remind you that the NAACP was established in 1909, a year when 69 blacks were lynched. It would take 55 years for blacks to be accorded basic civil rights. It took until 1973 before being gay was not the same as being crazy.

So knowing Bush is gone at the end of 2008 should make things a bit easier, if you put it in perspective, that is.

Damn optimist, that Steve guy.

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